Chapter Seven

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tw: mentions of violence towards the end

Tommy loved Phil's classroom. The room (instead of just being desks and chairs like his other classes) had beanbags and a couch. His room was visually stunning, he had model planes hung from the ceilings, posters covering the walls, and a huge bookcase filled with books. Tommy loved the room, and he could practically feel the personality radiating from the walls. Phil was sitting in his chair, talking to a group of four older boys. The loudest one, was a boy with dirty blonde hair and was around 6'4. He wore a green hoodie and jeans, much like everyone else. Next to him stood a boy with brunette hair, shorter than the other boy. He wrote a blue shirt with jeans, and white sunglasses perched on his head. Sitting on the couch was a boy who seemed to be sleeping, wearing a white hoodie and black sweatpants. His head was in the lap of the final boy, who wore a multicolored hoodie with grey joggers.

Tommy could feel just how close all the boys were, and how close they were to Phil. Phil looked comfortable, just like how he looked with his own sons.

Is Phil like the standby dad figure here? Phil felt a familiar flashlight turn on, and his eyes met Tommys. Phil smiled, and the group previously talking to the man also met Tommys eyes.

"Tommy! I'd like you to meet the guys, they're friends with Wil and Techno." Phil felt Tommy's flashlight get brighter, and he patiently waited to see any reactions. Dream and George tensed, looking at the boy curiously.

"Nice to meet you dude, I'm Dream. Have we met? I feel like I know you from somewhere." Tommy looked as though he was examining the boy, and Phil felt George's power turn on. Phil immediately looked at the boy, who met Phil's eyes. He mouthed I won't do anything too drastic, I promise.

"I feel like we have. Did you by any chance live in the city? We could have met there. We could be relatives or something, I never met my moms side." Dream shrugged his shoulder.

"Who knows? My parents weren't really around either, so that's awkward. Family sucks, huh?" Connor quickly turned his flashlight on fully, and started laughing. That caused the weird tension to break and everyone laugh.

Phil met George's eyes again, and he just shook his head no.

He didn't react to anything? The only ever person to do that was Dream. Weird.

"Anyways, this is George, that's Karl, and the guy sleeping is Nick. We call him Sapnap, though." Tommy looked to Connor, who just rolled his eyes and muttered I know, weird as hell.

"Nice to meet you guys." They all gave a thumbs up, and the bell rang. "Wait, there's only nine kids in this class?"

Yeah! This class actually isn't a history class, it's just a coverup so we can built the stability of your powers so you don't teleport to fucking Asia. Forgot to mention that one Tommy, I'm literally like Charles Xavier from X-Men! Now step aside, let's see if Karl can get into your Mind Palace, since his powers let him walk through your mind like it's a fucking museum exhibit. Phil was sure he was going to be stress cooking later that night.

"Yeah, forgot to mention that one man! People usually only take the regular history class, nobody really takes World History. Plus fourth period is just sophomores, and special juniors Watson here requests." Connor explained, going to sit in a bean bag. Tommy nodded, not quite believing him but taking it as truth.

"Thank you for explaining it to him, Connor. Everyone take a seat, today we're revisiting Ancient Greece!" Everyone found their natural spot, and Tubbo pulled Tommy to sit next to him. "Okay, can anyone tell me a single fact about Ancient Greece, or even multiple? Nobody wants to sit in awkward silence, so please boys help a man out." Nobody answered for a second, even though they all could. The plan was simple, they wanted to see how much Tommy knew about Ancient Greece. The more he knew, the easier it would be to explain where their abilities came from. But, as if Tommy's case could not be more difficult, he seemed to have no knowledge.

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