Chapter Sixteen

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This is a sad part, so I thought I would try and cheer you up!

I was reading last night, and Ollie came up to me and slept on my chest! I didn't ask him to or anything!

I think he likes me.

I got to pet him, but I had to ask first. I didn't want him to get scared.

I think we're actually becoming good friends!

He did shit on my floor, though.

Just, try to be happy. For me? Try to be happy.



Grief is a weird process. Tommy learned about it in his psychology class, and how difficult it is to fully explain and understand. The stages exist as so: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They do not have to exist in that order, and some are never reached. But in general, that's how they exist. He also never learned how much he relied on sound, until his eardrum was ruptured.

It had been a rough couple of weeks.

Phil called the police shortly after Tommy had passed out, taking out the Blood God note. They took the head, went to her house, and found her cupcakes.

They never found her body, or her mothers.

Tommy had woken up some hours later, screaming because he couldn't hear anything. Apparently some people were over, he had no clue, and that's when they learned Will had blown out his hearing. Purpled had healed the damage to the point where he could hear anything loud. Tommy refused to let him heal it any further. It would heal naturally in the upcoming weeks, so they left it, not wanting to argue. Tommy didn't mind them not fixing his hearing, he didn't deserve it.

Grief had affected them all in different ways. Each house never felt the same.


The least affected house was Halo's, where George and Dream lived as well. Phil had called Halo and told him, resulting in him dropping a bowl and shattering it.

"It-it was in a box?" His fingers gripped the phone tightly, and all he heard was a deep sigh following his question.

"Yeah. Tommy told us not to open it, but we assumed it would've been a bomb or something. Tech opened it, and the rest was history. Will's been sitting at the couch just staring at the wall and holding the ring he was going to give her. He's devastated. Techno has been throwing those plastic balls at his wall as hard as he can, and Tommy's unconscious. There-there was a note that said Blood for the Blood God. He's going to blame himself. It was awful, Halo. Fucking awful." Phil's voice was at a whisper the entire conversation, wavering.

"How are you, Phil? I couldn't even imagine what seeing that must've felt like." Halo didn't notice the two boy's walk in at the sound of the bowl shattering.

"I'll manage. I'd rather me suffer than the boys. This is going to be rough, Halo. Really fucking rough. I got to go and call the others. I'm sorry you all have to find out like this." Before Halo could respond, Phil hung up the phone. Halo then dropped his phone onto the counter, and put his hands on his head.

"Dad? What's going on?" Halo jumped slightly at the sound of George's voice, and looked at the two.

"Let's go sit on the couch. We need to discuss something." Halo ushered the boys to the couch, ignoring the ceramic bowl shattered on the floor. The boys hesitantly followed.

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