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Vancouver, Nairobi and Tokyo stood next to eachother, next to the entrance of the Royal Mint. They were going over the conversation that the guys had back in the van, occasionaly chuckling, until a school bus approached the building. The three girls fell quiet, discretly looking at teens coming out of it. Within second Vancouver spotted Alison. She was holding some boy's hand, looking happy. Van frowned at the boy - there was something about him, about his body language, that she didn't like.

„The little lamb is going in." Tokyo announced, letting the Professor know through the earpiece that she was wearing. Vancouver knew, that at the very same moment Berlin, her brother and the others were entering the Mint in the truck and police cars.

„Vamos." she said and the three of them walked towards the building. Van's breathing was fast, as she tried to stay focused, and not stress too much. Nairobi squeezed her hand briefly and gave her soft smile.

As they entered, they all put their bags through the security screening. They waited in line to go through the metal detector. And just then, sounds of gun shots were heard. Vancouver smirked and punched the security guard that was approaching her. She quickly took out her pistol and aimed at him, clicking her tongue.

„I wouldn't do that." she sang and he raised his arms. She heard Tokyo and Nairobi yelling at other people. Screams of panic were heard everywhere, and Vancouver felt her heartbeat pick up. She quickly shook her head, trying to ignore the feeling, and looked back at the man. on the other end of her gun. She saw teens from the school trip running into the hall that they were in.

„Here, take him." she said to Nairobi and the woman nodded, letting her deal to with the teenagers. Running around the corner, Vancouver aimed her gun at them and shook her head. „Don't move!" she shouted and took a few steps towards them, causing them to step back. After a few seconds they were in the main room, backed up against the wall. Van looked over at Tokyo.

„Professor, we have a problem!" Tokyo yelled, looking at people in front of her. „I don't see the lamb. I don't fucking see her!"

„Tokyo, come on." Vancouver grabbed her wrist and they ran off, looking for Alison. After a few minutes, they entered the bathroom, guns raised. They both heard yelling. Tokyo looked at Vancouver and with a nod she opened the door. Vancouver walked in first, her gun raised. She saw Alison with her shirt unbuttoned, and a much taller boy, towering over her, holding up a phone and laughing. It didn't take much time for her to realise what happened here, and she felt fury rising in her. „Tokyo, take the girl." she hissed at her friend and walked towards the boy. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, holding the gun to his head. „Come on, don't make it fucking hard."

He nodded and raised his arms, letting her walk himself out. She yanked him with her, making him stumble over his own feet. Van kept her eyes on Tokyo's back, trying to calm herself down. After few moments they reentered the main room, seeing the hostages have been blindfolded. Vancouver pushed the boy hardly towards Denver, who quickly put a blindfold over his eyes, throwing his sister a concerned look. He made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Vancouver moved to stand besides Berlin, and they all took off their masks.

„First of all, good morning." Berlin started, looking at the hostages. Van rolled her eyes playfully. „Me and my friend right here, say hello Van." he patted her shoulder as the girl chuckled.

„Hello." she said loudly, a few of the hostages flinching at the new voice.

„We're the ones in charge. And first off, we want to offer our apologies. This really isn't the good way to end your week." he fake pouted, nodding at Van to carry on.

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