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Van and Nairobi laid together in one of the offices, cuddling on the couch. The older woman caressed V's cheek while she snored quietly, finally able to get some sleep for the first time since she got shot.

The door suddenly snapped open, making the two jump in surprise. Van opened her eyes in panic and grabbed her gun, only for Nairobi to put her hand on her forearm.

„You need to come. Both of you." Moscow said in rush, making the two stand up quickly and following after the man.

Vancouver rubbed her eyes, in attempt to wake herself up completely. She let Nairobi grab her wrist and guide her through the halls.

„What's going on?" the raven haired woman asked, looking at Moscow expectantly. The older man breathed heavily as he guided them through the building.

„It's Tokyo, and the boys. They took Berlin." he explained quickly, making Vancouver's eyes widen as she now felt completely awake.

„What the fuck?" she asked and quickened in her step.

„Language." Moscow scolded, making the girl smile softly despite the circumstances. They finally got to one of the bathrooms, hearing voices coming from inside. Vancouver immediately banged her fists on the door, making the voices go quiet.

„What are you doing?" she yelled and put her ear to the door, waiting for response. Her hands started sweating. After a moment, they heard a breathless chuckle.

„We're playing Russian Roulette, Vancouver! Come back later." Berlin shouted, making her face go pale. Nairobi joined her at the door and kicked it harshly.

„Damn it, Tokyo! Are you fucking crazy?" the older woman yelled, her voice breaking by the end. Vancouver kicked the door again, ignoring the pain that went up her leg.

„Are you trying to get us all screwed?" she asked and kicked again, then again.

Inside, Denver and Rio looked at each other with wide eyes, knowing that it was a matter of time before Vancouver broke the door down. Denver was scared shitless when he thought about what she was going to do then.

„You're going to fuck up the plan!" Nairobi added, and Vancouver nodded her head, even though Tokyo couldn't see it. Footsteps could be heard, and Tokyo spoke up, venom lacing her words.

„I'm fucking up the plan?" she seethed, and Vancouver rolled her eyes. She was slowly getting fed up with the woman.

„You can't, can you? You can't just stop and think for a moment!" the girl shouted, yanking at the door handle.

„Brainless piece of shit!" added Nairobi, breathing heavily as Van groaned before kicking the door once again.

„I may be brainless, but your plan to go find your son is absolutely shit." Tokyo hissed, and Vancouver's jaw clenched. She slowly looked towards Nairobi, who now had tears in her eyes as she leaned closer to the door. Tokyo kicked it, making both women flinch back.

„What the hell are you talking about?" Nairobi asked, her voice breaking. Van closed her eyes and grabbed her lover's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

„Watch your fucking mouth." she said coldly, and Denver flinched at the tone of her voice. He knew his sister, and he also knew that when she'll come face to face with Tokyo, there would be no telling what she'd do.

„When was the last time he saw you?" Tokyo carried on, ignoring the two. „How old was he, three? He doesn't even remember you."

„Shut your fucking mouth." Nairobi shouted, slowly reaching for her gun. Vancouver didn't stop her, taking her own out of her holster.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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