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A feeling of cold on her forehead became intense enough to make her open her eyes.

Vancouver groaned quietly as she blinked rapidly, slowly going to stand up. Her plans were stopped however, when a pair of gentle yet firm hands pushed her back down.

„Don't move, idiot." female voice sounded, making her look to her right. Tokyo sat on the chair next to her, nail file in her hand as she grinned her way.

„Screw you." Van said quietly, falling into a coughing fit shortly after. Tokyo's eyes widened as she quickly handed her a glass of water, gently helping her to drink it before sitting back down. „How long was I out?"

„A day." the older woman nodded, getting more comfortable on her chair and throwing the wet, cold rug she was holding to Van's forehead away. „We missed your stupid ass, you know. Gave us all a scare." she added, more sternly now, making Van roll her eyes.

„Yeah, right." the girl snapped playfully, making Tokyo smirk.

„Especially Nairobi." Vancouver's heart stopped as she stared at Tokyo with wide eyes.

„What do you mean?" she asked shakily.

„What I mean is, I saw her stroking your hair and kissing your hands when you were asleep. It was cute." Tokyo said, grin never leaving her lips as she watched Vancouver's eyes widen in horror.

„You...but..." she stuttered, making Tokyo put a hand on her shoulder in comforting manner.

„Relax, V. I won't tell." she said, making Vancouver nod slowly before looking down at her body. Tokyo's smile disappeared as she helped her move the covers away, exposing her naked stomach with bandages wrapped around it. „You got pretty lucky, you know."

„Yeah." Van whispered, staring at her stomach. Only then did she feel stinging coming from it, making her grimace. „Where is everyone? Are they alright?" she asked urgently, suddenly realizing the lack of people in the room. Tokyo's face fell even more.

„Uh..." she started, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. „I'll, uh, I'll get Denver." with that, she stood up and made her way to the door, leaving confused Vancouver to look after her. She hesitated with her hand on the handle before turning around, jogging back to Van and giving her a quick peck on the forehead. After that, she was gone.

Van smiled to herself, trying to sit up, but hissing in pain at the burning sensation that came from her stomach.

„Motherfucker." she cursed loudly, putting her hand on the bandages gently. The door opened again, making her look towards it and smile gently. „Hi!"

„Hi?" Denver scoffed, approaching her quickly and kneeling in front of the couch she was laying on. „You get fucking shot, and the first thing you say is hi?" he asked harshly, rubbing his jaw. Van stared at him gently, knowing that he wasn't really mad, just worried.

„Yeah." she said simply, making her brother shake his head before hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her forehead against his shoulder as she breathed in deeply.

„I was so scared, Lu." he whispered, cradling her head with his one hand as the other held her close by her waist. „You can't do shit like that! Dad almost had a damn heart attack." he joked, making the girl chuckle and slap his shoulder.

„Don't say things like that. Dad's gonna outlive us both." she said, making Denver laugh and nod against her shoulder. They pulled away after a few moments, not letting go of each other. „Is everyone okay?" she asked, taking notice of how Tokyo avoided answering that question.

„No." Denver said straight away, knowing that there was no point in lying to her. „Oslo, he's uh... Oslo's gone, Lu." he said gently, running his thumb over her knuckles.

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