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Vancouver and Berlin were wandering around the building, comfortable silence between them. The younger girl bit her lip, looking up at him, and took a deep breath before speaking  up.

„Were you going to tell me?" she asked, looking at her shoes. She heard him sigh.

„You would find out eventually." man replied and Van frowned.

„When? When it would be too late for you to tell me yourself?" Berlin looked at her and shook his head.

„No, no. I meant after this heist." he said, earning a nod from her.

„I'm, uh... I'm really sorry, Berlin. I can't even imagine what you're feeling. I need you to know that you can count on me, always." girl whispered, grabbing his wrist. He softly smiled down at her.

„You have nothing to be sorry about. You heard what I said earlier." they walked around the corner, and heard laughs and music coming from the vault. Van walked faster and saw Tokyo, Helsinki and her dad laughing and singing Bella Ciao. Berlin appeared behind her seconds later, just as confused as her. Moscow spotted them first.

„We did it!" he yelled out, and pointed to his right. Vancouver followed his eyesight and saw hole in the ground, and she understood. They have reached the dirt. Their way out of there was slowly forming. Berlin walked in and started to sing too, kneeling next to the hole and taking the dirt in his hands. Van laughed loudly and Helsinki took her in his arms, dancing around as they sang.

„What are you celebrating? What's going on?"Denver asked as he ran into the vault.

They all pointed towards the hole, and Denver looked at his sister in awe. Seconds after, he started dancing with Moscow, and they all slowly walked out of the vault, Tokyo carrying the radio. Nairobi walked towards them, and after Van showed her what they were happy about, woman hugged her tightly and joined the singing. They all danced in the circle, laughing, not knowing that it was only calm before the storm.

Vancouver and Helsinki slowly guided Arturo to see Monica, occasionally talking and laughing, completely ignoring the hostage. As they were passing by the vault, some noises were heard. Noises that people make in some certain situations.

„The hell?" Van chuckled, looking at her friend.

„Is that your lady?" Helsinki asked, pointing at the door.

„No, Monica isn't the loud type. It must be one of your colleagues." Helsinki and Vancouver looked at each other with knowing smirks and man slowly moved to open the door.

Arturo and Van walked in first, Van's smile disappearing instantly. There was her brother and Monica, woman moaning loudly, both naked and in the middle of having sex.

„Holy shit." she mumbled, turning around, not wanting to see this. Denver noticed them and immediately turned around, dressing up, Monica doing the same.

„Van, hi." she heard her brother and held her hand up.

„Are you dressed now?"

„Yeah." after that she turned around, looking between them and Arturo.

„Well, you were wrong Arturito." the man was staring at Monica with his mouth wide opened.

„Fuck, what are you doing here?" Denver asked, panic in his eyes.

„What's going on, Monica?" Arturo spoke up. „Was that savage raping you?"

Vancouver clenched her fists, at the thought that someone would say something like that about her brother.

„He wasn't. Don't talk nonsense, Arturo." Monica said, zipping her pants. Suddenly, the man bended down and threw up on the floor. Vancouver cringed and exchanged looks with Denver, while Helsinki patted Arturo's back.

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