Son of the Black Widow.

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"I have a favor to ask." I heard my mother's voice through the phone.

"First time for everything."

"I just need you to stop a fight, use whatever you need to, but try not to kill anybody, Маленький паучок(little spider)."

"Whatever you say, мама пауk."

"OK, Then I'll send you a plain. All the files will be in there."

"Could I please get a pilot this time?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Yes. I'm sorry about the last time, I already told you." I was never letting that one go.

Little time skip

I got on the plane and started reading the files. I simplify it to: The avengers initiative had a falling out about the Sokovia accords. Now they were going to be in Germany and there was a high possibility of a physical fight. I guessed, that I would have to stop that. Shouldn't be too hard, since most of them seemed to praise themselves on good moral.

The plane landed and the pilot announced that this airport is where the possible fighting would happen.

"Would you mind acting as a hostage, sir?" I asked politely.

"I was not paid for that."

"Oh, I'm sure Miss. Romanoff would love to hear that, sir..."

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I would love to help you." My pilot said with the fakest smile.

"Good!" I mirrored his smile.

We hid behind a shipping box. I put on my nano mask and a bag on the pilot's head. For the sake of being convincing, I had to load the gun. They all had had an interaction with one, so they possibly could tell a difference between a loaded and an unloaded gun.

Another little time skip.

"Alright, I've run out of patience." I heard Tony Stark's voice call.

I moved to the sound of the voice. With one of my guns pointed at the man's head. He wasn't that bad of an actor. Breathed heavily and fake sobbed a little bit. By this time all of the people that were in my files were already gathered in one spot.

"Hey everyone!" I yelled out to get their attention. Worked pretty well.

"Here is what you are going to do if you don't want me to shoot this innocent person," I said. "You are going to come with me back to New York and sign the improved accords."

After a while, my mom decided that she should keep up the act of her having nothing to do with this.

"How do you know that the accords can be improved?"

"I have my ways." Was a bad answer to this question, but they couldn't really do anything about it.

"And why would we follow you?" She asked. Well, this was going to be a great motivation, I thought and took off the bag of the man's face.

I was lucky today. He actually could fake cry. This was going great. All of them looked at the man.

"P-please h-help me!" His voice was frail.

I felt bad, but I had to make a point.

"Not a word if you want your brain to stay where it is!" I pushed the gun in his head harder and he flinched.

"Move! Now! See the plain? We're going there!" I yelled and started moving in the direction of the plain.

All of them followed me with no hesitation. I smirked in my mind. My mother sure taught me well. Convincing people was easy.

Part two?



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