Career day

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'Uncle Clint was going to lose. No matter what it takes. I will win the war. No matter what I have to sacrifice!'

"Peter, Peter!" Ned's voice returned the boy to his uncomfortable chair and the teacher talking in front of him.

"Take the slips and give them to your parents! You're all dismissed!" she finished the class of which Peter hadn't been a part of.

"What's she talking about?" Asked the boy to his best friend.

Ned looked at him whit a fake disapproving look: "Career Day, this Friday."

Most of the teenagers would be happy to skip class for a career day, but not Peter. He had managed to escape this day every year, but he had a gut feeling, that he could no more. Doesn't mean he's wasn't going to try.

The boy threw the slip in the trash. The faster he would get rid of the evidence the less of a chance of his parents finding out about it.

Tony would never let go of an opportunity to embarrass his son in front of his whole class. If only he would have known what was coming.

"Hi, Pete!" Greeted Pepper when Peter entered the penthouse.

"Hi, mom!"

"There's something we have to talk about." She said seriously

The woman pulled her son into his bedroom.

"Your teacher sent me an email about the career day," she started while Peter wondered why his life had to be so full of trauma, "I'm guessing that you didn't want Tony to know, and don't worry I'm not going to tell him, under one condition."

"What condition, I'll do anything!" The boy really was going to do anything.

"I get to come, that's the best you're going to get," by her voice Peter knew it was. He also knew that Flash would never let this go, but Pepper was so much more able to not embarrass him than dad.


The woman smiled: " Great, I'll be there!"

She quickly got out of the room, but before the doors closed Peter managed to get out: "Thanks for not telling dad!"

Pepper heard the door closing and slowly walked away, making sure her heels were clicking loudly: "Friday, delete all of the proof of the conversation, that just happened in Peter's room," she said as quietly as possible, bearly moving her lips.

"Done," the A.I. responded in a whisper, understanding the situation.

\(°ロ\) time skip to Friday (/ロ°)/

Peter was hopeful. He knew his mom would be coming and that would cause a ton of confusion since every student in this school thought he was an orphan. She still will handle everything better than dad.

The boy wanted to feel happy when the bell rang and there was no sign of the CEO of Stark industries. But he didn't. Instead, Peter felt a little... forgotten. He himself didn't understand why. Mom probably had an important meeting to attend and he would get to live a normal life for another year. But Flash was smirking at him, he wanted it to end.

He didn't listen to the parents talking instead sinking back in his thoughts about prank wars whit Clint. Peter needed to get back for the glitter bomb under the toilet seats. The boy figured he would do something to the wents, where the man lived. Something to make them unpleasant to live in. Like making them stink. Peter knew that Clint lived in different wents than the ones the actual air circulated in...

The boy was brought back to the class when everybody went completely quiet and someone even gasped. Peter turned his head to the door, at which everybody was looking. His dad was walking in wearing an expensive suit and smirking wildly. Betrayal. His mother had betrayed him. Now He wanted to be forgotten, killed, erased from existence, everything was better than this.

The boy watched as Tony Stark slowly entered the class like someone waiting for a bomb to explode.

"M-Mr. Stark?" His teacher asked in a high voice.

"That's me," answered the man.

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

"Well, since I didn't have anything better to do, I decided to come to the career day of my favorite intern." A small wave of relief about Tony not forgetting the lie they told everybody.

"Oh – so Parker is really your intern?" she asked and almost flinched when Tony's expression changed.

"Didn't he tell you?"

"Yes, yes, of course, he did, it's just hard believing that one of your st-students is the personal intern of Stark industries," the teacher said nervously, "How about you tell the kids about your profession a little bit." The woman practically shoved Flash's dad out of the way. The man smoothened his suit, lifted his chin, and stood next to the rest of the parent body.

Thony started talking, but his son wasn't listening. He wasn't thinking about Prank wars either. Instead, Peter was hoping that he would suddenly have magic powers to teleport, to disappear, to become invisible, to fly away, to dig a hole in the ground and fall through it. Everybody was looking at him – his classmates, their parents, and the teacher.

The boy wasn't listening, but he still heard when his dad announced that now everybody can ask questions. Both the kids and the parents raised their hands. Peter sunk his head in his hands.

"Girl next to Pete!" the boy blushed 'why? why couldn't call him Mr. Parker or Peter? why?'.

"Do you think your company has done better since Pepper Potts has taken over the position of CEO?" her voice was almost demanding.

Tony laughed nervously: "Yes, she definitely more responsible, and more able to take care of the company." Peter smiled a bit, this was the only subject in which Tony Stark was modest.

"Next, you!" the man's hand pointed at Flash. 'Please ask something normal, Please ask something normal, Please ask something normal' was all the boy sitting behind Flash thought.

"Why did you chose Penis as your intern?" Flash asked whit confidence in his voice.

'He was dead, a dead man walking, he was going to die, he was going to be blown up and then reduced to atoms, goodbye Flash the person I will not have to kill because my father will do it for me'

The room was silent. It felt like a thunderstorm was brewing over the man in front of the class.

"How did you call my son?" His voice was so cold it was like he was shooting icicles In the direction of the boy whose confidence dropped immediately. He didn't answer.

"I asked, what did you call my son."

"N – Nothing, s-sir," his voice was trembling.

"Listen, here you little shit, you will never ever look at my son the wrong way, or I will grab my suit fly over to your cheap house, and rip..."

"Death threats are illegal!" Peter squeaked.

"or you will never ever get into a university, you will never get a job anywhere, your family will say goodbye to all of your money because my lawyers can do it, they can do it," the treats left the classroom still.

"Pete, let's go home," everybody else thought that it was physically impossible for a voice to change so quickly.

Peter raised his head from the burial in his arms and quickly got up following Tony. Before the door closed the boy saw Flash's eyelid flitch.

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