They all missed him.

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After infinity war

Steve missed Peter. He missed waking up to a wet morning when the sun had barely risen with somebody else. The boy would always be excited, not minding the early hour. He would always be convinced that this was the day he outran Captain America. That day never came. He missed having someone who every day was getting faster, forcing him to go faster as well. And after a run, they would still be the only ones awake and would joke around about the others. Now he was running alone.

Natasha missed having someone to dance with. One day Peter had come into her room to get her to a meeting and saw her dancing ballet. From that day he joined her. She thought of him and they danced together. He would perform at school and she would be watching. His classmates weren't the nicest about his hobby, but it didn't stop him. Peter kept dancing, wouldn't even let her talk to the kids who were laughing, saying that he didn't mind. Now the music was playing, but she couldn't seem to move a muscle, and she stood in the room like before, but nothing was like before.

Bruce missed working with the kid, who somehow understood him. They would talk about his research and do experiments, and laugh at Tony, who seemed offended by not being included. The man was still wondering how could a high school student understand his book on radiation, which he had written after getting his PHDs. Not only did Peter understood him talking about science, but he also understood how the man felt after hulking out. Maybe it was because he was also affected by radiation even though he could control himself. The boy was the only one who wasn't walking on eggshells around him. But now he himself seemed to be on an endless verge of hulking out.

Clint missed driving Peter to school. They would often stop to get ice-cream since Peter was late only on rare occasions. During the ride they would listen to loud rock music and sing and scream along, thill their throats were raw. Cooper and Lila missed him as well, since that one visit when May was out of town Peter had become a big brother to them. Now the music sounding in the car was just a terrible noise.

Pepper missed the always polite boy, who loved helping her cook, while rambling on about his day, but never forgetting to ask about her's. Missed making fun of Tony's mess and sleeping schedule. Now she was looking at the cupcake forms with regretful eyes.

Thor missed the boy who could easily lift his hammer. James and Happy missed the boy who had become like a nephew to them. Scott missed his bug bro(even though they knew that spiders are not bugs).

They all missed him.

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