Nice training

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Tony was looking at the trio of Nat, Bucky, and Peter with a very expressive grumpy look. They were talking in Russian and laughing about something he didn't understand. Who let them talk a language he didn't understand? They had always been scary together, since the first time Nat thought Peter how to use knives in a fight. He was eight! Eight! Good thing Tony learned about it only years later, when he had asked a rhetorical question of when had Peter learned to use his knives so well. Tony had to ask Friday before going to the training floor, just not to run into the trio.

Once when he walked into a knife throwing practice. The three of them had occupied a part of a floor. There were bigger and smaller targets appearing from the ceiling, the walls, and the floor. They shot knives at them while fighting each other. How close the daggers got to their faces! But they always perfectly hit the targets. On one hand, he wanted to stop this insanity right away on the other he was afraid that if he would distract them one of the knives might end up in his own eye. So after watching silently for a minute he walked away. Not turning his back on the scene, afraid to be mistaken for a target.

Another time he walked in there to Peter learning how to shoot. When he walked in they were ordinary guns, which also was not nice to see in a hands of a 13 – year – old. Again he quickly moved away, but when checking the camera footage from the same day he saw all different gun sizes. Including one that was more than half of the boy's height.

So now for the well-being of his heart rate, he checked before going to the practice rooms. The man had tried to stop them. First talking to Peter, who for the entirety of the conversation pretended that he does not understand English and only spoke in Russian until Tony gave up. When talking to Bucky and Nat they both said that Peter had never gotten hurt once, so there was no reason for them to stop training him. They were right of course.

So the man tried to steal Peter away from them, by offering to work in his lab together. He almost always agreed, except for when he got a lot of homework. Or when he said he got a lot of homework and actually snuck off to train with them.

Soon finding out that Peter understood quite a lot about biology and chemistry he started to invite the boy too and this was just as dangerous as spending time in Tony's lab so there was no reason for the man to oppose. And then they started to talk about that Biochemistry stuff around Tony. Again, how dare they speak about something he doesn't understand?

Last, to join was Clint exploring the vents together and practicing archery. Peter gladly spent time with all of them. And it was quite funny to watch how his dad slowly gave up on keeping him away from sharp and explosive objects. Now the only thing was telling him that he was spider - man. The boy wondered how Tony would react.

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