All we need (part 2)

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2 years had passed since they first kissed. Two most amazing years. Two years where all the problems seemed to disappear when they looked at each other. Two years they never wanted to leave behind.

Peter rushed in whit a chocolate cake in his hands and Loki stood up from the table on which he was writing his book in.

"Remember when I said we would eat a whole cake every year we celebrated our anniversary?" The younger boy said whit a wide grin, "here's the cake!"

The other bearly managed to get his writings aside when a huge package was dropped on the wooden table.

"You know, if you want us to eat the whole cake you should probably the size they give for ten people, not the size whit what you can feed an entire party," The older boy said, leaned forward, and kissed the other, who was still grinning.

After a while, Peter pulled back and looked at the cake: "You're not getting out of this, I promised myself that I would do this and if you love me you're going to help me whit it," the boy said dramatically.

"Of course, I will," He said while a knife appeared in his hand. He cut the strings, that were holding the package together revealing the thick chocolate frosting.

Peter's eyes were sparkling when he appeared a plate and a fork in his arms. Piece after piece disappeared, while both of them were laughing and joking around.

When the table was clean both of them lied down in the bed sleepy, but happy, no the less.

"Let's tell Tony!" the younger boy said.

"Tell him what?" The black-haired asked.

"About us."

That caught the other's attention: "That's not very smart, he bearly lets me out of this room, doesn't trust me, maybe we should wait."

"No, I love you, and I want him to know, I don't care what he thinks!" The voice would have sounded more confident if Peter's stomach wouldn't have hurt.

Loki smiled weakly: "I love you too."

Whit that both of them fell asleep.

After a week Peter walked into the room again: "Ready?" He asked.

"No, but that's not going to change so we can get going," Loki smiled a nervous smile.

"It's gonna be fine, and if it won't, I'll still be there," the other boy said at the same time thinking that this probably wasn't the best pep – talk.

"You being there is all I need," he said as they walked out of the elevator. Only now Peter noticed that his boyfriend wasn't wearing his usual Asgardian gown but a white T-shirt and jeans. He got a little bit annoyed about it but didn't say anything.

"What is he doing here?" asked Tony as soon as they entered. Loki didn't like that the man was talking like Peter wasn't there.

"He is here to help me tell you something," the younger boy said.

At that Tony's face softened, "You can tell me anything, Pete, you don't need the creep's help."

Both of the boys understood where this was going. Loki tied to walk away, but Peter grabbed his hand. He didn't care. Didn't care where this was going. Didn't care what his dad thought. He cared only about Loki.

"He's not a creep! He s however my boyfriend," If the first part sounded like a child then the last along whit the smile it was given whit would send shivers through an adult.

For a second Tony paused, but then his face turned to anger: "He's manipulating you, controlling you, Peter, can't you see it?" The younger boy felt the hand in his flinch.

The inside of Peter was burning as hot as he hoped his father would burn at hell at that moment, but his voice came out colder than ice: "No, no I can't see how somebody who has been making my life amazing for the last two years is manipulating me."

"Maybee, he just used some kind of dark magic to make you think that happened!" The man screamed, but the young boy didn't seem bothered.

Peter's hand was suddenly surrounded whit blue flames. Then he twisted it and the flames changed color to black: "And how do you know that all the time you haven't spent whit me is not an illusion?"

"You know what? You want to be whit a murderer? Go! Leave!" He yelled, but in the silence that came after he whispered under his breath, "If you ever want to come back you'll know where to find me."

Peter was angry, he was angry, for a short second he thought about directing one of the flames towards his father: "You know what? I will. I will leave whit the most caring and supportive man in the universe. I will leave. You can't accept that you were wrong because you can't give a person a second chance."

The words weren't filled whit anger, just a cold distance. A distance so huge Tony was no longer sure if he could cross it.

The brunette turned on his heel and lead Loki to the elevator got in it and took in his lover's face. When he saw tears he wanted to get back up there and yell and yell at the man he considered his father, but he didn't.

"Friday, hold off the elevator for a while."

Peter stepped forward and raised his hand to wipe the tear away from the other cheek.

"I'm sorry, you had to go through that."

"Why – Why did you come whit me? All of the things he said about me are true."

"No, no they're not! They were true, but you have changed! And you can't let anybody tell you otherwise!" The older boy smiled, "Besides, you have me, what more can you want?"

"You're right, what else could I want, when I got such beauty in front of me?" Both of them laughed.

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