Spider-man can take a lot

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Peter Parker, widely known as spider-man can take a lot.

Once, Steve, Tony, and Peter were fighting a group of people. They weren't great fighters, but there were a lot of them. No matter how many they put down more came running forward. Peter was fighting three people at once. They were wearing masks. One of them had a knife. While the boy was blocking a kick with one hand and a punch with another, when a sharp pain entered his abdomen. 'Well shit' he thought.

"Em, guys, I think somebody just went staby-staby on me," his voice was weirdly calm, but Tony and Steve were entering a panic zone. If only they knew that a trip to Staby town was made every other week.

"I don't want to leave you here alone, Steve, but I have to get Peter to the Medbay before he bleeds out!" Tony yelled while shooting lasers from his suit.

"I'm fine, I can fight!" The boy yelled back, but the adults didn't listen.

"Go, get him to Bruce, then come back!" and before Peter could tell them about how often this had happened Tony was flying him to the Tower.

When Bruce saw the blood and how deep the cut looked he immediately started preparing to clean and stitch it: "Peter, I will need you to take off your shirt!" He said while grabbing a bottle from a cupboard.

It would have been easy, but Peter wasn't wearing a shirt he was wearing a suit. Bruce was ready to cut it, but before he could the boy slid out of it, moving as freely as ever. The movements made the man flinch but Peter didn't seem to be bothered.

In his boxers the boy sat down on one of the beds, while the man put a disinfectant on cotton wool: "This is gonna hurt like hell," he promised. But when the cotton touched his skin Peter didn't even flinch. He had to clean wounds on a daily basis. Bruce looked at him with concern, but the boy just gestured to keep moving. Peter didn't seem to feel anything when the stitches were put on and when he left the lab the doctor waved back at him with an expression of shock on his face.

As another example, let's use the time when he, Shuri, Tony, and T'Challa were hanging out in New York and encountered a mugger.

The four of them were walking around with smoothies when a man jumped in front of them with a gun: "Give me all the money you have or I'm gonna shoot the girl!"

"Well that's rude, don't you want to offer me the opportunity to be shot?" Peter asked and Tony sent him a warning glare.

"I'll shoot both of you if you don't give me the money!" he was yelling and pointing his gun from one of them to another, "I know you, you're the millionaire," he said pointing at Tony, "and you're that king or something," the gun shifted to T'Challa.

"Billionaire," Tony corrected.

"Alright, we'll give you the money, put the gun down," said T'Challa with a strong accent. But Peter was quite pissed about the man ruining his great day.

The boy shot a web to one of the 3- story tall buildings and jumped on it, confusing the mugger, whose gun immediately shifted at him.

"What you gonna do Mr. Mugger, they're not giving you the money. Are you gonna shoot me?" Peter probably wasn't considering that a man could be a good shot. In fact, he probably wasn't considering anything whatsoever.

Around the time Tony came out of his shock: "Get down here, Peter, right now!"

"Stay quiet!" yelled the man with the gun.

Meanwhile, Peter was doing a victory dance of sorts. The mugger was too confused by the situation. And what do you do when you have a gun and you are confused by a situation? You shoot. The man shot at Peter. And turns out he was a good shot. But also a coward, since as soon as he realized that he had hit his target he ran away.

"Peter! Do not pull out the bullet!" yelled T'Challa while Peter pulled out a bullet from his leg.

"For Christ's sake, Peter! Please, do not jump off the building with a hole in your leg!" Tony was giving up.

Shuri however seemed quite excited about the jump: "Do a flip!"

And Peter did. Jumped off a building and did a flip, landed with his hand up like a gymnast, and bowed to Shuri's clapping.

"A great show indeed!" she prised.

And Tony and T'Challa? They were worried.

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