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"This is my personal intern Peter Parker," Tony introduced the boy to the avengers.

"It's a huge pleasure to meet you, I mean, You're the world's greatest heroes, you saved so many lives, I just want to thank you..." Peter rambled, his eyes sparkling.

Everybody had an awkward smile on their faces when he stopped talking, except for two of them. Bucky and Natasha, they remembered him, those were not good memories.

Steve stepped forward: "Well, It's a pleasure to meet you as well!"

They shook each other's hands, after the handshake got uncomfortably long they both stepped back.

"Okey, since he knows perfectly who you're we can skip the introductions, let's eat dinner!" Tony broke the awkward silence.

Everybody started moving in the direction of the kitchen, but Peter noticed two of them staying back. He did know perfectly who they were – the only people who could destroy the life he had built for himself for the last two years

He decided to ignore them and hoped that the others would too. Luckily they did.

The boy took his place on the table only after everybody else was already seated. He ended up sitting next to Clint and Tony. When he got a quick glance of the place the introduction had happened there were no signs of Natasha and James.

"So, Peter, how are you doing at school?" Asked Clint who, felt that Peter was a bit anxious, only he thought it was because of the room being filled with his heroes.

"Um, I'm doing pretty good, Mr. Barton," he answered and scratched the back of his head.

Tony was disappointed, he thought he had told his intern to be a little bit more proud of his accomplishments: "He actually is the first in his year!" the Stark announced like a proud dad.

At that, the boy looked down. Everybody thought that he was just shy, but the reality was that he was thinking about how he got so good at studying.

How he had to write equations till his hands were bleeding. How he had to summarize enormous amounts of information and how for every mistake they hurt him. How he had to learn to speak 37 languages. Peter smiled to himself, while all of the people around the table thought he was just happy about the compliment, he thought about how if they would have known how he was able to get amazing grades their look of shock would have been different.

Steves flip phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out: "Hello, this is Steve Rodgers."

Thanks to his enhanced hearing, Peter was able to listen to the person on the other hand with no difficulty: "This is Fury, there is a hydra base we need you all to take care of, I have sent you the location, and tell Stark that if he ever ghosts me again he will have bigger problems than being busy," the person on the other end hung up.

"Mr. Furry wants us to take care of something," Steve said tilting his head towards Peter, "We should leave now! And he also told me to tell Tony that you should stop ghosting him." All of them got up and ran to wherever they needed to get their equipment.

Since Tony had to start the jet he got up as well.

"Kid, we have to go, see you tomorrow, if nothing goes wrong," Tony said apparently not in as big of a hurry as the rest of the heroes.

"I'm coming with you," Peter said.

"There is nothing humanly possible that you can do for me to let you come,"

Even though the man's voice left no room for argument Peter casually walked to the nearest wall, upon it, and was standing now on the sealing.

"This isn't anything humanly possible," the boy expressed one of his arguments, "but I can also lift tons, I heard that you are going to a hydra base, because of my enhanced hearing, so I can do something humanly impossible."

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