Carnival hearts (songfic)

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In this abandoned amusement park

Peter, Liz, MJ, Ned, Flash, and Betty were walking in the central park
We come to life when it turns dark

It was a late autumn night, it was still warm
We're just carnival hearts

There were some people here and there
You and me

But they were the only teens
In a swirl of flashing lights

They had to go to school tomorrow, but they had unanimously agreed that they don't care about this
We're the lost ones in the night

If you only live once might as well live
Got our fingers intertwined

Live so they could remember
Wild and free

Live unapologetically and crazy
A pathetic neon sign

The city was surrounding them
Lights the corner of my eye

With its tall buildings and huge signs
Welcome to the midway

But they were sitting on the wet grass and eating chips
Welcome to our stomping grounds

Blasting songs, singing along, not minding the stares they got
Broken bottles, spilling dreams

Each of them was hiding pain and pressure put upon them
I can almost hear the screams

Screaming the songs, so they wouldn't have to scream in frustration
Silence is the only sound

Everybody around them was quiet, not to be noticed
There's no one else but us around

To seem correct, to seem like they belonged
Let's make some noise

But they were done being quiet, done belonging
In this abandoned amusement park

In each other's company, they could be who they wanted to
We come to life when it turns dark

Joke about dark things, wear ripped jeans and short skirts
We're just carnival hearts

Tell their thoughts, speak their mind
You and me (You and me)

No one was staring, no one whispering
In a swirl of flashing lights

Live in the moment, because it will be gone as soon as you blink
We're the lost ones in the night

At first, Peter was trying so hard, to get everyone's approval, acceptance
Got our fingers intertwined

But when you pull a rubber band too hard it brakes
Wild and free (Wild and free)

And he did not want to be any more broken than he was already

So he stopped trying so hard to be the best at everything
Don't turn off the stars

He did the work but didn't overwork

He no longer was the best in his year
We've got carnival hearts

Oh well, he had never felt this free before

So happy
Don't turn off the stars

With all the pressure he and others had put on himself

It felt so good to just let go
We've got carnival hearts

And what if his name won't be shining in bright lights
We wear black to mourn the loss

The people to see them wouldn't really know him anyway
Of all the rebels without a cause

But here with his friends, who truly understood him
Life is just a ring toss

This moment was more important than any billboard
And baby you're the boss of my

They turned the music louder
Psychedelic funhouse soul

For nobody could hurt them
You're the only one I need to know

They were just there
No one else but us around

And yes they knew that someday they would be forced to go to sleep on time
Welcome to our stomping grounds

But now they were going to be awake in spite of their futures
Lets make some noise

And they were going to scream tonight for all the days they would spend in an office
In this abandoned amusement park

They were going to live now
We come to life when it turns dark

For they didn't know when they would have to turn back to existing
We're just carnival hearts

Tomorrow they could worry about explaining where they were to their parents
You and me (Ah-oh)

'Couse right now the music didn't allow them to think
In a swirl of flashing lights

The summer still wasn't over in their minds
We're the lost ones in the night

The sun still hadn't risen
Got our fingers intertwined

They were still only kids
Wild and free (Ah-oh)

And they were going to be in a lot of trouble someday
(Carnival hearts)(Ah-oh)

But not tonight.

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