Bad grades

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Peter's pov

Everybody was writing, but me. I was supposed to know this. This wasn't supposed to be so hard. I studied, and sure I went to bed later than usual before a test, but I always went to bed late. So why couldn't I understand half of the test? I just looked at the paper and my mind was blank. I heard everybody else writing, but I had no idea what to do.

A week later

"Well, class I finished grading your tests from last week!" our teacher – Mr. Davis said. I felt my shoulders tense up. I really hoped that I just thought I couldn't understand.

He walked past me and looked sad. That was bad. He always was happy whit my grades. This was bad. Mr. Davis didn't say anything and put the paper on my desk. This was bad. I got a C. This was bad.

What was dad going to think? I have never gotten a grade lower than an A before. This was bad. He is going to be disappointed in me. What was he going to do whit a son who is supposed to inherit his legacy, but can't get a normal grade? This was bad.

"You, Penis, got a bad grade? I bet Stark will be so disappointed when you go to your fake internship!" Yelled flash across the classroom. There were smirks on everybodys' faces. Why did Ned and MJ both had to be gone today? Maybe, another day I would have had the courage to respond, but today I just shoved the test in my backpack and pretended not to hear him.

Third persons pov

Peter when through the rest of his classes only thinking about how to tell his dad about the bad grade. As soon as he got in the car, Happy knew something was wrong. When nothing was wrong Peter would start rambling on about his day as soon as he got in the car, but today he was quiet.

"You alright, kid?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Peter responded, but Happy knew he wasn't.

As soon as Peter got out of the car he sent Tony a message: "Check up on the kid"

While that was happening Peter was as slow as possible making his way to the penthouse. He hoped that Tony wouldn't be there, but his dad almost always was there to greet his son after school and, of course, today wouldn't be different.

"Hey, kiddo, how you doing?" He asked as soon as Peter entered the living room.

Peter wanted to get this over with, but he just said: "I'm good, but I got a lot of schoolwork, so I'll go to my room!"

"Are you sure there isn't anything you want to talk about?" Even though his voice was calm Peter got worried. Does he already know? Was he angry? Did he do something else wrong?

"Well," He sat down on the couch, opened up his backpack, and pulled out the test. 'It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright' he kept repeating to himself when he gave it to his dad.

"I know you're probably angry, but I promise, that I will study harder next time!" He blurted out in one breath before Tony could say a word.

"Calm down. It's just one bad grade. I'm not angry." The older man was calm and sat next to his son. "I'm not expecting you to get perfect grades. I got bad grades and I wasn't a superhero at night. As long as you understand most of the stuff you're good to go. And if you don't I'll help you study."

For a second Peter didn't move. Was this what he was stressed about all day? He hugged his dad.

"Thank you."

"I didn't do anything" Tony smirked.

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