Lost Souls

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A month passed since I found Dabi on the roof and we were getting along pretty well. The three of us made a good team and shared nearly everything together. I would even go so far and say we became a family. He felt like a big brother that I never had. From the way he acted, I knew that he had sibling and younger ones too.

Me and Dabi would go out when we run out of something and steal it in the night or buy it together with Hikari when we had some stolen money.

When it's brought daylight we both play with Hikari or teacher her some stuffs. It was always fun being with her, she is such a pure little innocent girl. Clumsy sometimes but sweet.

Today was Hikaris birthday and we wanted to surprise her even collected some money in order to go with her to the mall and to the one cafe she always wanted to go. It was a small angel themed cafe and I knew I would feel out of place there.

Me and Dabi were up and ready while Hikari was still sleeping. It was only 8 a.m. and since we don't get to school, we stay up nearly every night and go to bed when we wanted!

Dabi: Should I wake her?

Me: NO! Why do you asked that?

Dabi: Cause today is her birthday.

Me: And that allows you automatically to wake her up from a sweet dream? Not on my watch Mister!

I puffed my wings and crossed my arms.

Dabi: All right, all right! I get it!

Me: Good!

Hikari: Morning Onii-san, Onee-chan!

We both looked at her completely surprised that she was up and I began feeling guilty because we might have woken her up with our arguing.

Me: I am sorry, did we wake you up?

Hikiari: No.

Me: I am so glad to hear that!

Dabi: Happy Birthday Hikari!

Me: Happy Birthday sweaty pie!

Dabi: We have a surprise planed out for you!

Hikari: What is it? What is it? What is it?

Me: It wouldn't be a surprise if we tell you!

Hikari: Aww but I wanna know!!

Dabi: How about we tell her?

Me: Let me think about it..... hhhhmmmmmm..... nope! Now come on and get ready!

Hikari: Why?

Me: Cause today we both will be spoiling you!

Dabi: What phoenix means is that we are going out.

Hikari: Where?

Me: That's a secret now come on!

I then took out some clothing for her. After she was done changing, we all went out. By the time we arrived at the mall it was already 10 a.m.. First thing we did was getting some breakfast and then we went on and bought everything she wanted. We bought her everything she wanted since Dabi stole someone's card and we found out that we could use it.

At around 2 p.m. we were done. It was so much fun because, not only did we bought her anything but we also played hide and seek in the cloth department until they threw us out of the store.

We began walking to the cafe and were about to enter it when all of the a sudden, we could hear some gun shots. I had my wings tucked while we were in the mall. The reason was simple. First there were way to much people and second there was still a chance a pro-hero recognizing my black wings as me and Dabi got ourselves on the number one spot of the most wanted thief's list. My black wings and his blue flames were a dead giveaway.

Once we heard them, a the scream could be heard. We knew that something was wrong and that some low ranked villains just attacked the mall.

Me: Hikari, listen to me carefully! Do you know your way back to our home?

She nodded at me.

Me: Good, once Dabi gives you the signal you run! Do you understand! Run and don't turn back!

She knew that I was serious and she was scared so she nodded.

Me: Good girl.

We than walked carefully to the front entrance. We were on the first floor and we only wanted to check the situation out. Four people were there.

So this is some kind of organized attack?!

After not seeing a single chance to get past them, we decided to go to the back entrance. Once we were there we saw that there were even more there. I counted 8 people standing there. Our best chance was to hide somewhere and so we went into the next clothing store since it was very easy to hid there. I found the ultimate hiding place for Hikari.

Me (whispering): Dabi do you think she will be safe here?

Dabi (whispering): Yes, it looks like a solid hiding place.

It was a deep shelf and it was kind of costume store since the shelf had some feathery costumes.

Me: Hikari, sweet heart, can you stay hiding in these? Don't cry and don't make a sound.

I opened my wings and plugged a small black feather out. It hurt but I was happy to bear the pain. Next I tucked them back in and gave her the feather.

Me: Here. Be brave Hikari!

Me and Dabi then watched her go behind all the costumes and we even put some more there from another shelf hiding her complete. Next, we ran out of the store leaving her. It was too dangerous. If anyone found us two hiding there, everyone could get the idea of another child hiding in there and we didn't wanted to endanger our sweet little sister.

As we were running on the first floor, we heard a gunshot behind us.

???: Stop right there!

We turned around and saw that he was in front of the costume shop where we left Hikari. Than it happened. My worst nightmare. A hero came and rammed the person into the shop. The shop than caught fire. It was the same shop where we left her.

Me: NO!

The very own hero that did this was also responsible for all the deaths of 41 children. The flaming piece of garbage, the number two villain in my opinion, Endeavor.

As soon as I saw the shop lit on fire I was about to run in but I found myself wrapped in wood.

Me: HIKARI, NO!!!!

I began crying. I saw Dabi run for the shop but he was quickly wrapped up in wood too. Kamui Woods had us in his clutches and we both began straggling.

Me: Let us go!

However, he just brought us out of the mall, where we were then given an injection to calm us down, since we trashed in his grip even fighting every police officer or hero that was holding us back!

Me: Let us go!

Dabi: She is still in there!

Both of us were still trying to get in but they wouldn't let us and in the end it was the R-Rated Hero Midnight that needed to put us to sleep, so that we wouldn't run inside again.

Vulture (Hawks Sister)(villain rehab)Where stories live. Discover now