Meet a real villain!

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I was out and waiting for the students to come my way and the first one I saw was a blonde boy with anger issues screaming at another kid with glasses.

???: FUCK OFF!!!

???: Mind your langue this is not very hero like.

I was just hovering in the air and decided to fly to them and tap one of them on the shoulder as I fly past them. Naturally I was fast and they didn't even see me do it.


???: Calm down. I didn't touch you.

???: Are you freaking kidding me? HUH?

???: Listen, Bakugo! I never touched you. Now calm down so we can get this exercise over with.

???: I won't you liar!

Me: Pfff-hahahaha

I was still in the air and the whole conversation was too funny for me so I kinda just busted out laughing. The moment the blond haired boy began making some explosions in his hands ready to strike at his own team mate.


The moment I heard him call me like that, I stopped laughing and came flying towards him like a bird ready to pick up its victim. He had no other choice as to obey me as I flew very high up to the ceiling.

Me: You know what is funnier?

No answers.

Me: No? Then let me tell you!

I began slightly to loosen my grip at him and he immediately reached out and grabbed my hands.

???: Don't you fucking dare drop me now!

Me:Aww but your face will be the best thing I will ever see. But we can do it like this too!

Just like that I closed my wings and began dropping down with an incredible speed. All the while I could hear him scream. After a couple of meters of me showing no sign of actually pull up, I could hear Hawks scream my name while the boy in my hand began screaming "YOU'LL FUCKING KILL ME!".

Only one meter above the ground, I decided to pull up and throw him against the other one. They both went flying thanks to the speed and momentum I threw blondy towards the glasses guy. Not only did they fly for a short amount but they managed to crash too. It left a good cracking mark on the wall.

I could see Hawks flying to them and checking on them while I returned back to the building's rooftop the bomb was hiding in.

Never killed anyone on purpose really!

So there was no way I would kill them!

But scaring them to death is okay!

I mean he was screaming "DIE! " at first and then "You'll kill me!".

It was way too funny for me.

I had pretty sure I made my point as the villain here.

Don't fuck with a real one!

Like EVER!

It looked like they were both okay after seeing them getting carried away by Hawks feathers. He however was flying towards me and landed on the same roof as I was.

Hawks: I told you no killing!

Me: Oh please, I just played with them.

Hawks: That's playing for you?

Vulture (Hawks Sister)(villain rehab)Where stories live. Discover now