Hero vs. Villain excercise

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Hawks POV:

I knew that the kid wasn't bad at all. What she just did only shows this even more. In a room filled with only 2 heroes and 20 students there were enough opportunities for her to kill every single one of them. I doubt that me and All Might could have even done anything against it.

However I would have never thought that she would go inside and just tell them straight up that she was Vulture and a villain without even sugar coating it. Not only that but after that the whole dynamic in the room changed and I could tell that they were all afraid of her.

Who would have thought that she would actually use me and out little jokes to get the other to laugh... She isn't a villain and that was for sure. I still couldn't understand why she was so persisted to call herself a villain.

Me: Hey birdy, why did you do that?

Vulture: Do what?

Me: Make them laugh?

Vulture: You saw them. They were scared and they would have messed this exercise up if they knew that I was about to kill them, which I am not.

Me: Is that the only reason.

Vulture: Yep.


I know it's not!

This is for sure not the only reason!

You care for others!

That's why you are doing this!

You always cared!

That's why you save kids and give them hope by just looking at the night sky.

You are no villain you are a hero!

Vulture: Now get ready!

Me: Ay Ay captain!

Vulture: hahaha.

Me: Say what shall I do again?

Vulture: Great them with me and get them into the air. All we need to do is apprehend them right?

Me: Yep.

Vulture: Then we will let them experience how it is to fly!

Me: Sounds like a plan!

We were both standing outside the building and the moment she said that she flapped her wings and began flying up and stop in midair. I soon followed by and we both waited for each hero and did the same thing to every single one of them.

At first we would fly in a circle around the house like a Vulture would. After that, we would fly quickly down and somehow always get them up in the sky. Once me and her had the heroes of this exercise in the air, All Might gave the signal that they lost this exercise.

It was rather fun to see one of them, Iida, run with his quirk and couldn't escape Vulture. She just came from behind him and swooped him up into the air.

I on the other hand had one with an electricity quirk, I think he was called Kaminari. Anyways he tried to electrocute myself in midair, so I threw him into the air where he could discharge himself.

They all tried using their quirk on me or her but both of us could easily evade it. It wasn't hard enough for us to put much effort into it. Not a single person made it into the building thanks to this strategy.

One after another failed the exam until the last pair of kids came to face us. It was this lilac haired boy, Shinso Hitoshi. He was Aizawa's kid and I knew that he had his eyes on Vulture. To be quite honest, she felt like family to me and I wouldn't let her see another man that easy. I felt the need to protect her in a sibling kind of way like a big brother. Her wings were just soo similar to mine that it felt only right to do something like this.

Me: I'm saying dips on the sleepy head!

Vulture: Okay but don't go overboard with him.

Me: I won't and have fun with Uaraka.

Vulture: Oh that's her name! Well thanks I will.

We quickly split up and I watched her coming down and touch the girl and pick her up but all of the sudden it looked like she somehow lost control in air and was floating around with the girl in her hands. It looked hilarious just by looking at her.

Me: hahahaha!

Vulture: I'ma drop you if you don't make this stop!

I could hear her and a scream before I heard Vulture laugh again. Since I flew past them all I saw was that she was floating for a bit and I would have gone and helped her if not that I had my own target.

Not soon after I passed Vulture, I managed to pick the boy up into the sky.

Shinso: Shi was right, you really are a huge rooster!

Me: No I'm not!

Shinso: Dumb! Dumb as heck, birdbrain!

I felt loosing control over my body and not only that but I could visible see us crash-landing. We were still in the sky but we wouldn't be in it for long if I couldn't get my body back under control. It was obviously my mistake of not knowing his quirk. My only role was to watch over Vulture nothing more and nothing less. I was about to give her the chance she needed to be a hero and the support as well.

Shinso: Land on that roof!

I did as he told me and soon after that he also commanded me let him go and I did that too. Too bad for him that I was not the only villain as I saw Vulture coming down and grabbing him. That was the moment I got the control over myself back again.

Me: Go teach him a lesson feathers!

I watched her fly extremely high and throwing him into the sky just to drop with him and only grab him and pull up a couple of meters above the ground. She didn't let him go but was more flying around with him until the time was up for them. For me it looked like one roller coaster ride. It looked like fun but at the same time it also didn't but I heard his laugher and so I knew that he actually enjoyed it like the other once she took up and flew with them.

There was Enji's kid too. She was also flying with him in the air as if she wanted to make it a fun ride and for the first time since I knew his family, I heard the kid laugh. She managed to break the ice around him. He was also smiling at her too.

This made me only think why she would go so hard on the first one but I had my answer too. It was his manners. The way he treated a companion. That was what triggered her. I knew Vulture well enough by now to know that she values friendship, family and teammates extremely.

Everything she did until now was not villainous at all. This whole villain rehab was a joke if you ask me since she was never a real villain to begin with.

After the exercise was done, I was sure to and pick up the paint she wanted for her own room. If I knew that she would really avenge me for dumping a bucket with water on her than I would have never done that.

Guess I have a couple of lessons to learn too!

Vulture (Hawks Sister)(villain rehab)Where stories live. Discover now