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Hawks POV:


Am I dead?

Was this it?

Nah this feels different!


Is someone holding a feather of mine?


I can feel my feathers so I am not dead yet!

The little angel must have saved me!

I woke up in a room I didn't recognized and slowly sat up in the bed. Just one quick glance over the room and I saw Shizuka laying there on the ground. She had a red feather in her hand.

Recovery Girl: You know she was up nearly the whole night watching over you.

Me: She did?

Recovery Girl: Yes. It was also her that brought you back. She could have escaped since she didn't have any restriction on her but she decided to save you.

Me: ....

Recovery Girl: What happened?

Me: I was on my way back and I saw two kids getting attacked by 5 people. I went in to help but they managed to wound me very badly and immobilize me.

Recovery Girl: You would have died if it was not for her.

Me: I know....

I looked at her and she looked just so tired. She also had tear stains in her face. Her wings were spread wide open and I could see how black they really were.

Recovery Girl: You should rest a little bit longer. Not many people escape death just like you did.

Me: I will but would it be okay for me to get her back to her room?

Recovery Girl: Sure dearie! Just be careful not to wake her up. She used up enough energy to get you here at it is.

Me: Don't worry I will.

Though I was sure if that she would have woken up by now if she wasn't so exhausted. So, I went to her and touched her wings in order to fold them and pick her up. After that I began walking towards the dorms. I would have flied us there but she would for sure wake up because of the winds. As I walked out of building I was meet with Aizawa who was running towards me once he saw me having her in the hand.

Aizawa: What happened?

Me: Nothing.

Aizawa: Why is she with you?

Me: She saved me. Without her I would have been dead.

Aizawa: So, she managed to sneak out...

Me: Wait, you were with her?

Aizawa: Yes. It's nice to see that she is finally sleeping. She hasn't sleep that much in the last 48 hours...

Me: I'll be with her.

Aizawa: I understand. Please inform her that we are going to the USJ building in a weeks' time. She is excuse from today's lesson. Take care of her.

With that he moved one of her hair strains away from her face before walking past us. After that I continued walking towards the dorms only to be meet with class 1A. They all looked worried about her even though they just recently meet.

Shinso: Is she okay?

Me: Yes. Only exhausted.

Shinso: ... I would love to take care of her but... Please take good care of her.

Iida: I am sure Hawks will take care of Takami very well. He is a hero after all.

The moment I heard my name, I froze and looked at him.

Me: How do you know that name?

Todoroki: She told us her name herself.

Me: What?

Bakugo: Don't fucking tell me you didn't know her name birdbrain.

Me: hahahah of course I knew her name. I just didn't know that she told it to you guys.

After that I turned around and began walking away from them towards the building. Needless to say that I was shocked.

Her name is Shizuka Takami.

She is a Takami!


She is my little sister and I didn't know it!


How didn't I know about this?

Why has no one informed me about having a sister?

Why didn't the hero commission told me anything about it?


I have a sister now!!!


I'll take good care of you sis!

I am so sorry I was never there for you!


Nothing can make it right that I wasn't with you, that I didn't see you grow!!!

It didn't take long for me to get to her room and put her in bed. She immediately used her wing to cover herself and began sleeping in a fetal position. Just by seeing that I knew that she wasn't feeling safe here and I was about to do anything to make her feel save.

Shizuka: Please.... don't!

Me: Huh?

I looked at her while I was covering her with a blanked and I could see all the color drain of her face. She looked scared and not only that she began pleading and it sounded as if she was pleading for her life.

Me: Shizuka?

She didn't response and I could only see how she began shivering, that's when I decided to get into the bed and take her in my hands and cover her with my wing.

Me: It's okay Shi! I will never leave you again! I am so sorry I am late sis!

I was there for her no matter what. If she ever wanted to be a villain then I would make sure that no one would capture her and her hurt. She was my sister after all.

I wonder what happened to you?

Why were you with the LOV?

Did something happen to our parents?

Oh Shi!

I want to know how you ended up this way!

It was not long after that, that I also fell asleep on the blanket too. I was only relieved that she was a lot better and stopped shivering. It looked like my presence managed to get her out of the nightmare. A nightmare that I was sure was part of her memory.

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