Fly high!

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I woke up to some chicken smell and I couldn't help but feel hungry.

Me: ....chicken....

Hawks: Morning feathers!

Me: HUH?

His voice was coming way to close to me and so my eyes flew open and I saw his read feathers around me. Not only that I could see the pained ceiling and knew I was in my room. He quickly retrieved his wing and got it away from me, I also retrieved my wings and sat up.

The moment I saw him, I couldn't help but feel soo relieved. He was okay and alive too!!!

Not any sooner I tacked him into a hug.

Me: You are okay!

Hawks: Yep thanks to you. More importantly how are you feathers?

Me: Hm?

Hawks: I heard from Aizawa that you haven't sleep a lot recently... That reminds me. Let's get some food you must be hungry.

Me: That's true but it is nothing new to me. I normally only sleep 1 day out of 3 and a take a couple of naps in between.

Hawks: That's crazy! I won't let you overwork yourself!

Me: But what about the kids?

Hawks: I'll go with Aizawa and tell them that you are okay.

Me: ...

Hawks: Now what do you want to eat? I'll order us something.

Me: Can we have pizza?

Hawks: Sure.

Me: Its already evening...

Hawks: Yep. I am happy to see that you are good and managed to catch up some sleep.

Me:... can I go out and fly before we it arrives?

Hawks: Sure but stay on UA ground.

Me: I know it's not like I could get out anyways.

Hawks: Well the security dome is currently down...

Me: Ohhh...

Hawks: I'll trust you to return.

With that he let me leave the room. As I walked down the hallway to get out, I was meet with Shinso. He was in the living room right next to the door that was leading me outside.

Me: Toshi!

He immediately turned around from watching a movie and jumped out of the couch. He was so quickly on his feet that his walking didn't quite match well. He was walking casually and slow to me but I could tell that he was holding himself back to not overwhelm me.

Toshi: Shi! How are you feeling?

Me: Better. Just needed some rest.

Toshi: That's good to know...

I saw Toshi standing there and open his arms to offer me a hug and I went to him to accept it. There was not a single second questioning. I would for sure take any chances I get to hug this man. I embraced him full heartedly.

Me: Toshi, I wanna show you something!

I knew that he was worried for me and so I wanted to fly him around and show him the sunset since it was already so late. It was also obvious that he was waiting here for me or Hawks to tell him how I was. He might not want to let me know that but it was pointless since you could basically guess what he did down here when he was never down here. This was what the class told me about him anyways.

I took him by his hand and we both went outside.

Hitoshi: You sure about this? Are you not tired?

Me: I just woke up, Toshi! I need some exercise anyways hihi.

Hitoshi: Fine.

I flew up and above the ground twirling and dancing in the sky while holding him in my hands bridal style since it was easier carrying him that way.

For the first time in a while, I felt free!

I flew with him to the sea, close to the water. I dipped the end of my feather into the water while circling and then quickly began to rise in a twirling motion. Thanks to that motion I was covering us with a light shower and the light was reflecting though every single drop I created.

Toshi: Soo beautiful!

He was looking at me while I did that and it only came to me when he began to talk. Before that I was only focusing on the sunset and our surroundings. Now that I knew that he was watching me I felt embarrassed.

Once I was up, I looked at his smiling face. The moment our eyes meet, gave me a quick kiss and I was left in a blushing mess.

Me: Cheater!

Toshi: No. I only took the opportunity Angel!

He looked at me the whole time and I knew that I was red. However, he didn't let me of with just a kiss and so he went for another one. This time it a more passionate one that left me breathless and wanting for more.

However, I knew that I wouldn't be able to take another one unless he wanted us to drop into the ocean. It was already hard to think straight anyways.

Me: Do you trust me?

A nod.

I didn't even tell him what I was about to do. All I knew was that he would for sure enjoy it.

I am sure you will like this

I want to show you how free I feel right now!

I flew up and threw him in the sky above me. The moment he began to fall, I began letting myself drop closely and parallel to him. Our faces were close to each other and I would have loved nothing more as to kiss him this time. However, I also didn't want to interrupt him. He was smiling soo much. I loved his him, his everything! For me he was perfect!

The moment we were close on hitting the water surface I twirled around him and began holding him around his chest again.

I pulled up and we were flying parallel to the water's surface. I could feel the happiness radiating from him and I saw how he slowly touched the surface. I was also splitting the water in two at the end of my wings. We were flying fast.

With a quick flap of my wings, we rose again and I once again began caring back to UA. I knew that it was late by now and we both needed to return.

But before we went back to the dorm, I flew to the highest point above the city and showed him the sunset this time I threw him up in the sky for a short moment in order to be able to catch him and have him in my hands bridal style. It makes things soo much easier while one was flying. It was getting cold and only now could I fell him shivering.

Me: You cold?

Toshi: You know what can help me?

Me: Hm?

The moment I began questioning him, it was already too late and he gave me another of his passionate kisses that were like a drug and I was sure that I was addicted just by getting three of them in one day.

The moment I arrived at home, we both parted and I went back to my own floor. Hawks immediately came to me and I was so embarrassed just thinking what happened.

Hawks: Feather? Are you okay?

Me: Yeah.

Hawks: You sure you are red in the face.

Me: Oh, that was just the cold evening wind.

Hawks: Ohh. Please don't catch a cold, feathers. Anyways Pizza is here.

I was thankful that he didn't pick it up nor asked me where I was. The best part was that he wasn't following me for once too.

This was how my day ended and I was sure that I would remember it for ages.

Vulture (Hawks Sister)(villain rehab)Where stories live. Discover now