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It's been some moths since me and Dabi officially joined the LOV and Shiggy became something to me like a second brother. We would play some video games together or talk about some strategic planning. It was fun being around him. However sometimes he just reminded me of a kid in a body of an adult. I knew he had a rough past like every member and I didn't want to reopen old wounds so I never asked about it.

In our talks we would always make some hypothetical attack on some kind of hero or the hero school itself. It was a lot of fun. In addition, I knew that these plans were meant for the future even though he didn't wanted to tell me that in order to nor freak me out.

We were talking so much about taking the number 1 hero down that at some point I told him I wanted to take revenge on the number 2 hero and what better way than to get back at him through his own child.

It was no secret that he was the devil in person. He hated and abused his family if they were not good enough for him. His youngest son Shoto had the same age as me and I was sure to ruin him to the point of mental breakdown which wasn't far from where he was currently.

Then there was Dabi or Touya. He didn't need to tell me who he was. I wasn't blind and I certainly wasn't dumb. I could see the connection. He hated the man so deep that I knew something was wrong and after hearing that he run away and knowing his quirk, I automatically knew who he was.

Not everyone had a fire quirk like him and the same eyes like his brother or same eye since his brother had two different eye colors.

If he didn't wanted to talk about it that's fine. I too didn't want to talk about my past or my real name all he knew was that Hikari used to call me Shizuka. He didn't know about my abusive past and I was happy about it. I was sure that my past was a lot crueler than his.

Me and Shiggy once even made a plan on attack USG and get Shoto Todoroki as a hostage and even make a splendid nomu out of him. I wanted to destroy the whole Todoroki family like what he did with mine. Only exception was Dabi. These however were only talks we made to spend some time together.

Kurogiri was like a mother to us. He would always see to it that we would have everything we need and in return we would get him all the alcohol he wanted. To be honest it is alluring how much he loves his red wine.

The nomus were also getting a lot stronger since the new goal was beating me and not All Might anymore. It was still childs play to destroy them with the help of my quirk. However, they were getting stronger and it now takes me some minutes to get to them instead of seconds.

The LOV also got a new member her name is Toga. She is such a good friend and older sister! We love to annoy the heck out of a certain loud ass hero.

I mean if a hero has own radio show than why not?

It was funny prank calling them and leave a prepaid phone somewhere on the edge of a building or mostly on the same building. Sometimes we would pretend to be some suicidal kids only to freak him out and get some heroes to one end of the city while the rest of, Dabi and Shiggy, would rob a store or the bank again. Kurogiri would always get us safely out of any situation.

I could tell that we were getting a good team and I was always the one behind actually planning our mission and be the distraction. Thanks to that I made a name out there as Vulture and the LOV was also getting stronger in my shadow.

My part of our mission was always the same. Find the heroes before they find us and get them to chance me around half of the city to the opposite end. Then use my high speed that I usually don't use because no one could keep up with me and just escape.

First thing I would always do in order to get a heroes attention was attack them when not even kill them our wound them terrible. It was not long that the media started calling me the bird of prey or the hero hunter. I got as popular as Stain the hero killer himself.

I also found him a couple of times and stopped in front of him. We talked for a while and he told me all about his believes.

In my opinion he was right with some points like getting rid of the pests. What I wasn't agreeing on was All Might being a good hero and all the other once fakes.

I saw how All Might didn't do anything to sage 41 children in a burning school so I didn't had much of a good opinion on him.

Stain was impressed by my skills and even offered me to train me some more and I accepted. He wanted to teach me some stealth techniques and I was happy to learn them.

It was exactly one month before the UA exams starts and the LOV built a name for its own in the underground. Everyone knew about Toga, Dabi, Shiggy and even Kurogiri being a member of them but not me since I made a debut way earlier and no one ever saw me with them on an actual mission.

We made some big shot plans where we would get good money from it and we did manage to succeed. It was thanks to all of us that it went well without any complication.

Kurogiri's part is kinda obvious getting us in and out of the building without being seen or triggering some kind of alarm.

Shiggy would always disintegrate the door or walls or basically anything that was in the way to our objective.

Dabi and Toga would always team up and be the look out. If needed they would use their quirk and kill the people that saw them or the police officer or hero. Just anyone in their way really.

Then there was me! Once Kurogiri sets me free, my mission was to find a hero and get him back alive in order for us to make some more nomus. I was also their plan B in getting them out since I was the fastest and I could easily dive into the fight and bail them all out.

In contrary to the other my kill count was basically zero. I never kill anyone besides nomus and I don't consider that thing to be human so I don't count these kills as kill counts. Besides we had another ranking list in the LOV where we would count our Nomu kills.

It was one of these nights where we would be at our base and were recruiting some new members. Since Shiggy and the others thought it was too dangerous for them to realize that I was also a part of the LOV, I was never with them interviewing only seeing them later in action. However today was different.

They told me to be at the beach at midnight. I was sure to be early and watch them from above in a safe distance.

I am curious who the new member is!

Then I saw them, it was about time they arrived. First the rest of the LOV arrived and then I saw it, black feathers. Someone just flew up to them and landed in front of them.

Is this the new member they were talking about?

Black Wings?

These wings look suspiciously like Hawks and his hair too!

Wait a moment!

That there is that god damn over grown chicken!

What the fuck are you doing there?!

Can't they see him?!

Don't they realize it's him?!

Vulture (Hawks Sister)(villain rehab)Where stories live. Discover now