8: Rise and shine, dusty.

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Y/n's pov

Dustin and I went to sleep a little after 11:00, still confused as to what we had found.

It wasn't a snake. It definitely wasn't a snake. And it wasn't a lizard either. It looked like some kind of deformed tadpole.

Dustin only had one book on reptiles and it didn't get us anywhere so we decided that we would stop by the library the next morning.

We fell asleep, both in sleeping bags on the floor, as Dustin had refused to sleep on the bed if I was sleeping on the floor, I was piled in blankets, Dustin not wanting me to "get cold" and honestly I was sweating.


We woke up to Mrs. Henderson shaking Dustin and saying "Up! Up! Time to get up dusty!!"

I giggled and saw that I had tossed all the blankets off me in the night, and Dustin and I were still wearing our costumes, not bothering to change out of them the night before.

I grabbed my overnight bag and walked out of his room to the bathroom.

I got dressed, brushed my teeth and my hair and walked back out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where Mrs. Henderson was making pancakes and humming really loudly to herself.

"Morning, hun. Did you sleep well?" Mrs. Henderson asked me, not even turning away from the pan but sensing my presence.    

"Yep!" I said cheerfully as Dustin walked out of his room, fully dressed and looking like he had had the worst sleep in the history of the world.

"Morning, Dusty!!"Mrs Henderson sang.

"Mm." Dustin grumbled.

"I'm guessing you didn't sleep well, then." I said, as Dustin sat down at the table in a chair beside me.

"No." He said, rubbing his eyes.

I chuckled.

I stood back up and got out three plates for Mrs. Henderson and three glasses.

"Orange juice, dust?" I asked.

"Please." Dustin nodded, looking half asleep.

"What would you like to drink, Mrs. Henderson?" I asked as I poured two glasses of orange juice.

"Oh! Just water please, thank you hun." She said.

I poured the glass of water and took the drinks, plates and cutlery over to the table.

I set the Orange juice down in front of Dustin along with a plate and cutlery, and set the rest of the table.

"Thank you." Dustin smiled.

"You're welcome." I grinned as I sat down.

"Oh, you're such a dear." Mrs. Henderson said, noticing the set table as she sat down with the plate of pancakes. "I accept future Y/n Henderson."

Dustin shouted at his mom and I tried to hide my burning face.

Dustin immediately took two, while Mrs. Henderson and I started with one.

"Hungry, are we?" Mrs Henderson asked her son.

"Mmph." Dustin mumbled with his mouth full.

I let out a light laugh.

After breakfast, Dustin and I went back into his room to get our backpacks.

Dart made a noise.

"Shit. Forgot about him." I said as I turned on my heel to face the tank.

"Me too." Dustin said.

We stared at the tank in silence before either of us spoke.

"So here's the plan." Dustin said abruptly, making me jump at the sudden noise.

"We put dart in the trap again and take him to school." Dustin said.

"Alright, horrible plan." I cut him off.

"Yeah, but it's kind of our only option right now." Dustin said.

"You're right. We don't want to leave him here and risk him escaping, or your mom finding him, also we need to show the guys." I said, tapping my chin in serious thought.

"Dustin, y/n!! Time for school!!" Mrs Henderson yelled down the hall.

"Coming, mom!!" Dustin yelled back.

"...Okay... lets go." I said, unsure about the whole situation.

We booked it down the hall, our backpacks in hand and the trap in our possession.

We were about to open the front door when Mrs. Henderson wrestled Dustin into a hug.

"Lunches." She stated, holding out two paper bags with our names scrawled on them and permanent marker hearts everywhere.

I took it and stuffed it in my backpack.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"Of course, honey-what are you two doing?" She asked, eyeing the trap.

"Science." We replied in unison.

"What's in the trap?" She asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." We said once again in unison.

Then we ran out the door before she could ask anymore questions.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" I called as we shut the door.

Word count: 760

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