Chapter 5: An unlikely alliance

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Once Draco had finished telling Hermione about his dream she said "Draco, we must go tell Harry immediately. He'll know what to do."

"Aren't you the brainy one who comes up with the plans Granger?" Malfoy asked cheekily.

"Well yes, but that's usually AFTER we've almost died. Come on, Malfoy we have to tell Harry, he deserves to know!!" Hermione exclaimed.

Draco nodded in agreement and said "I'll only do it if you call me Draco..."

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Because if we're going to be friends or allies or whatever this is, we should be on a first name basis." Draco said.

"Okay fine... Draco. But you mustn't tell anyone about this. Not a single word, you understand?" Hermione said very seriously.

"Alright. But what about Blaise? He deserves to know. He's the only true friend I have and he can most definitely be trusted. He knows that if he steps out of line I'll beat him with my Quidditch broom." Draco gave a cocky smile thinking about how strong he was.

"Fine" Hermione said, "but we have to go NOW. We have to find a way to sneak through the halls... it's 3 in the morning!"

"Hermione... we're prefects, remember?" Draco said.

The pair walked out of their common room into the cover of darkness in the old castle's halls. The portraits were all sleeping and they had perfected walking silently through the halls from their years of sneaking around past their curfew.

They finally reached the Fat Lady portrait that guarded the Gryffindor tower. Hermione whispered the password and the two entered. Draco waited on a chair in the common room as Hermione ran up the stairs and into the boy's dormitory.

Harry awoke with a start to Hermione shaking his shoulders. "Hermione, what on earth are you doing here?!" He whispered frantically.

"Meet me in the common room. I have to go wake Ginny." Hermione said sternly.

Harry grudgingly got out of his comfortable bed and walked towards the common room as Hermione went and woke Ginny up from her slumber.

Hermione and Ginny walked to the common room to find Draco and Harry staring at each other displeasingly. "What's he doing here?" Ginny asked bitterly.

"Trust me Ginny, he's got useful information." Hermione said, hoping her friend would understand. Ginny rolled her eyes but went along with Hermione because she trusted her judgement.

Once Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Draco were all sitting around the dying fire in the common room Hermione said "Alright Draco, why don't you tell Harry and Ginny about the dream."

Draco carefully explained every detail of his dream. All about how Voldemort had appeared and told him all about the plan to get rid of mudbloods, half bloods, and even Draco himself.

Harry and Ginny intently listened until he had finished talking and Harry said "Well Malfoy, seems we've got to form an unlikely alliance to figure out and stop whoever is behind this. But I swear to Merlin if you have anything to do with this, I will kill you without hesitation."

"Don't worry Potter, the feeling is completely mutual" Draco said coldly.

"Boys please don't fight" Hermione begged, "this is important and I can't have you two arguing all the time. You've got to learn how to work together." Hermione gave Draco and Harry a stern look.

"Alright Hermione, you have my word." Draco said and gave Hermione a genuinely kind smile.

Ginny and Harry exchanged a glance. Why did Malfoy and Hermione seem so close? They were even on a first name basis.

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