Chapter 23: Pansy Finds Out

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The next day, the group slowly walked into Great Hall for breakfast, still shaken from the events of the previous day. Luna and Blaise had decided to sit at the Gryffindor table along with Draco. They had thought it would be best to stick together from now on.

As they picked away at the plates of food that were laid in front of them, they heard the familiar flutter of wings that they knew were the owls delivering the mail.

Hermione picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet and started reading the front page to herself. By this time, the entire Great Hall had gone completely silent and the Draco and Blaise realized all eyes were on them. Hermione's face went pale as she handed the newspaper to Draco with a shaky hand.

                       BREAKING NEWS
Late last night, the bodies of three Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy, Thomas Parkinson, and Benjamin Zabini were found on the grounds of Malfoy Manor. The three, who were supposedly on a mission to finish the work that He Who Must Not Be Named had started, were found bound by rope and murdered. Lucius Malfoy was killed by the Death Curse whereas Benjamin Zabini and Thomas Parkinson were killed using a curse known as "Sectumspectra". It is unknown who killed the three men, but they have done justice to the Wizarding World, specifically Half Bloods and those born to Muggle families.

Draco read the headline before passing the paper to Blaise. If not everyone was staring at them before, it was certain they were now. People whispered and talked to each other in low voices as they stared and pointed at Blaise and Draco.

Draco put his head in his hands and let out a long sigh. Blaise stared at the ceiling as if inspecting every candle, trying to avoid the eyes of everyone in the Great Hall.

"So, Malfoy and Zabini, seems like the wizarding world is a little less full of evil now, thanks to whoever killed your wretched family members." A Third Year Ravenclaw sneered as he walked by. Draco glared at the boy and the Third Year looked startled and ran off quickly.

It was then that the hushed whispers of the Great Hall were interrupted by the ear piercing scream of Pansy Parkinson from the Slytherin table. Everyone looked towards her as she finished reading the headline of the newspaper. Tears were streaming down her face as she read the words telling her that her father was dead.

She stood up suddenly and started to stumble out of the hall, tears evidently blurring her vision. Draco, Blaise and Harry all jumped to their feet, rushing out after her. They caught up to her in the corridor leading to the Slytherin Dungeon. She was sitting with her back against the stone wall, her knees were pulled up to her chest and she was furiously wiping tears from her eyes.

She looked up as she heard the boys walking towards her. "Pansy" Blaise whispered. She looked into his eyes and began to cry harder. He sat next to her and pulled her into him. "Pansy I'm so sorry about your father's death." He said quietly.

"I'm not upset that he's dead, Blaise. I'm upset that I didn't get to kill him." She said. All the boys' eyes went wide and Harry asked "What do you mean, Parkinson?"

She looked at him and said "I mean... over the course of this year, I've changed my views. I always wanted my father's approval. That's why I was always so mean to people, because I wanted him to like me. That... and everyone around here calls me pugface so I kind of hated everyone around me. But, basically I hated my father more than any of them and I wanted to be the one to kill his Death Eater ass."

Draco's mouth hung open slightly as Harry's eyes softened slightly. Blaise looked at Pansy and said "I have never been more attracted to you in my life." Draco shot him a look and said "Blaise... there's a time and place for that and this is not it."

Pansy smiled slightly at Blaise's compliment and said "None of you seem surprised at the deaths... am I correct in assuming you three had something to do with that?"

Harry looked worriedly at her and said "Parkinson, I really do apologize for what I'm about to say but... I... I killed your father."

Every emotion seemed to cross Pansy's face and the boys thought she was surely going to hex him, but to everyone's surprise, she stood up and embraced Harry. "Thank you, Potter. I wouldn't have had the guts to do it." She whispered.

Harry patted her back and said "Why don't you come to the prefect's common room with us and we'll explain everything... that is if it's okay with Draco." He looked towards the blonde boy and was given a nod of approval.

Blaise took Pansy's hand as Draco and Harry went back to the Great Hall to get the others.

When everyone arrived at the portrait of Snape, he looked at them with a confused look on his face.

"Having a party? On a Friday morning before classes? Not very responsible for Head Boy and Girl." Snape said, raising an eyebrow.

Draco shot him a look and the portrait door swung open quickly, revealing Blaise and Pansy snogging on one of the couches.

Ginny cleared her throat in an attempt to cover up her laugh and the pair of Slytherins quickly pulled apart, avoiding everyone's gaze.

"So, how long has this been going on?" Draco asked, winking at Blaise.

"For a few months now, Draco." Pansy said, beaming at Blaise.

Ginny, Harry, Luna, Neville, Hermione and Draco all filed into the room, sitting in a circle around Pansy. Hermione gave Draco and uneasy look and Draco took her hand and squeezed it, leaning towards her ear and whispering "Don't worry, it'll be alright... she's changed for the better. I promise." Hermione gave him a quick smile and turned her attention back to the group.

"Alright, Parkinson, what we're about to tell you is confidential information and nobody can know about it. So brace yourself." Harry said. Pansy nodded and looked at the group with a confused expression on her face.

The group proceeded to tell her about everything that had happened. Not only from the day before, but for the months beforehand. She stared at them in shock when they had finally finished their story. She looked from one person to the next, opening and closing her mouth as she tried to come up with a response.

Eventually she said "So... Weasley killed Lucius?" She burst out laughing and said "I didn't think he had it in him."

They all laughed along with her and Hermione said "Honestly, none of us did."

They all stayed there for a while discussing things before their classes for the day. None of them were aware that the next day, they would all be forced to relive everything again.

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