Chapter 27: The funeral

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Hermione, Draco, Ginny, Harry, Luna, Neville, Blaise and Pansy sat in a compartment of the Hogwarts express on their way to Kings Cross station to start their Easter holidays. 

"'Mione are you sure that you can't come to the Burrow with us today?" Ginny asked in a whiny tone. 

"Gin, I have to go to Lucius' funeral tomorrow but I already told you that I plan on spending the rest of the holidays with you guys at the Burrow." Hermione said, somewhat annoyed that her friend hadn't listened to her when she had told her the plan only the day before. 

Hermione was dreading the moment they would get off the train. She was aware that Draco's mother was not going to be at the Manor that night because she was going to be off with his grandparents planning last minute things for the funeral. This meant that Hermione would have to wait anxiously until the next day to meet Narcissa for the first time. 

Draco could sense that Hermione was anxious and put his arm around her, giving her a little squeeze. "Stop worrying, love." He whispered in her ear. She smiled and gave him a kiss, only pulling away when Blaise said "Alright you two get a room." 

Draco glared at Blaise and said "Yeah, you're one to be talking, mate. You and Pansy snog in front of the rest of us all the time." 

This caused everyone to erupt with laughter and a red faced Blaise looked down that his hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. 

After a few hours, the Hogwarts express pulled into Kings Cross station and everybody filed off the train and onto platform 9 3/4. Hermione saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and ran over to them, hugging them both. 

"I'll see you all in two days!" She said, excitedly. 

Molly Weasley nodded and smiled, looking past Hermione to Draco. She rushed over to him and pulled him into a big hug which he gladly returned. 

"Draco, dear, I hope you're doing all right. Send my regards to your mother tomorrow." Molly said. 

"I will, Mrs. Weasley. Thank you very much and I hope to see you soon." Draco replied, pulling away from the small woman. 

He walked towards Hermione and said "Well, are you ready to go?" 

Hermione nodded and took his hand as he apparated them to the Manor. When they landed, Hermione sucked in a sharp breath and said "Draco, I'm nervous." 

Draco looked down at the girl beside him and squeezed her hand. "Don't be nervous. Nothing's going to happen." 

They walked through the front doors of the manor and stopped in their tracks. It had been completely redecorated. Nothing was black anymore, it was all shades of yellow and green. The curtains had all been drawn, allowing light to enter every room. "Wow" Hermione breathed. 

"I guess mother must have redecorated" Draco said "I like it. Makes it seem a little bit more like home." 

He smiled down at Hermione and pulled her along with him up the stairs and down a long hallway. Finally, they arrived at a door and he opened it revealing a large bedroom that was clad in Slytherin colors. A huge bed stood in the corner and there was an en suite bathroom attached to the room. The bedroom itself was bigger than the prefect's common room back at school. 

"Draco, exactly how wealthy are you?" Hermione asked in awe, turning around in circles to look at the room. 

Draco laughed and said "Well when you become the new Mrs. Malfoy, you'll figure it out." 

Hermione stopped spinning and looked at him with wide eyes. "When I become the what?" She asked. 

"Oh... nothing." Draco said sadly, looking at the floor.  Hermione walked to him and wrapped her arms around him and said "Draco, I'm keeping my last name. I will be Mrs. Granger not Mrs. Malfoy." 

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