Chapter 32: Goodbye Hogwarts

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Hermione sat, leaning her head against the window of the train compartment that her and her friends occupied on the Hogwarts Express. She blinked back tears as she watched the train pull away from Hogsmead station while her friends chatted happily amongst themselves. 

All the memories of her years at Hogwarts rushed back to her. Meeting Harry and Ron on this very train when they were eleven. Finding the philosopher's stone. Defeating the Basilisk. Saving Buckbeak and Sirius Black. The Triwizard Tournament and the Yule Ball. Dumbledore's Army and infiltrating the Ministry of Magic. Having her heart shattered as she watched Ron and Lavender snogging every chance they got. The war. Losing Fred and many other friends. And finally, the last year of her life. Falling in love with Draco Malfoy. Fighting off rogue Death Eaters. And making a new group of friends. 

She would miss all of the memories that the old castle held for her, but she knew that eventually, one day, she might venture back and relive everything as she walked through those doors once again. 

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned her head to see Draco staring intently at her. 

"You alright?" He whispered. 

She simply nodded and gave a small smile but he could sense what was really bothering her. "You know you'll be back eventually. It's just the end of our education at Hogwarts. It doesn't mean that you'll never see it again." He said. 

She sighed and leant into his chest. "I guess I'm afraid." She finally said. 

This got everyone's attention and Ginny asked "Afraid of what, 'Mione?"

"Yeah, Hermione, what are you afraid of? I thought Gryffindor's were supposed to be brave." Blaise said with a wink. 

Hermione laughed and said "I'm afraid that we won't all stay as close as we are now." 

This made Draco laugh hard. In fact, it took him a few moments to stop laughing and catch his breath before he could speak. "Love, you're going to be working WITH Blaise and I... every day. Blaise and Pansy are inseparable which means that she'll always be there too. Harry and Ginny are your best friends. And Luna and Neville will always be there for you. You're not going to lose any of us. Sure, we won't all be together every single day, but it doesn't mean we won't be close." 

Everyone looked to Draco with wide eyes. "You know, Draco, you really have surprised me this year with your ability to spout words of wisdom." Harry said, chuckling. 

"I think I will have to agree with Harry on this one, you've surprised all of us." Neville said. 

"I think all of you are forgetting that I was second best in our year behind Hermione." Draco said, glaring at the rest of them for doubting his intelligence. 

"Draco, we aren't doubting your ability to do well in class. This has nothing to do with that. You just have a surprisingly high emotional intelligence that none of us thought was possible." Pansy said. 

Hermione giggled and said "Oh, you guys aren't the ones dating him. All he ever wants to do is talk about feelings and love and happiness. It's exhausting really." 

"I do not! You're the one who talks about feelings." Draco said defensively. 

This made Ginny howl with laughter and she said "Hermione? Talk about feelings? Have you met her? She's the most stubborn person I know. She can't talk about her feelings for the life of her." 

Hermione smiled and looked around at all her friends' bright and happy faces. Maybe leaving school wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. 

"So, Hermione, where are you going to live since your parents are gone?" Luna asked. 

Hermione's face saddened slightly before she said "Well, of course, the Burrow is always an option but Draco's mother invited me to stay with them for a while so that's where I'm going." 

"Ohhhh... moving in together are we?" Blaise teased. 

"Blaise, mate, you really are the stupidest person I've ever met, save Crabbe or Goyle" Draco said, "We've been living in the same tower for the past year, I really don't think this is a big step." 

"Hey, hey, hey, Draco, that's not a nice thing to say." Pansy said. 

"Thank you, Pans." Blaise muttered, hugging Pansy. 

"Yeah, Crabbe was definitely smarter than Blaise. Don't put him down like that." Harry said with a straight face, earning a scowl from Blaise. 

"You think Vincent Crabbe, the boy who would eat a rock if it was put in front of him on a plate, is smarter than ME?" Blaise asked angrily. 

"This is exactly what they want, Blaise. They're just trying to make a joke." Luna said dreamily. 

Blaise's face softened and he leaned back in his seat, putting his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. "Well, if that's how you want to play, then I'll just be taking a nape." He said quietly. 

The rest of the train ride went smoothly with people talking and the cheery faced witch who pushed the trolley asking if anyone wanted anything to eat. The group of friends talked about this and that before falling into a comfortable silence. Hermione and Draco got up to do their prefect duties of telling students that they were almost in London. 

Finally, the train began to slow as it pulled into the familiar platform 9 3/4 in Kings Cross Station, London. When it had completely slowed to a stop, the whistle blew and the doors to every compartment opened. Students began to happily file out of the train. Hermione watched as First Years hugged their parents and began talking excitedly about how their year at school had gone. 

The group stood up and before they left their compartment, Pansy said "Well, I guess this is it." And everyone nodded silently. 

They filed off the train and onto the platform, looking for familiar family faces. Hermione zeroed in on Narcissa Malfoy talking with Molly Weasley. She tapped Ginny and Draco's shoulders and pointed as they began walking towards the two women. 

"Children! Hello! How was the train ride?" Molly asked sweetly, giving each of them a tight hug. 

"It was nice, mum. Now can we get going? I really want some food." Ginny said, smiling. 

"Of course, of course, dears, let's go! Will we see you two soon, Hermione and Draco?" She asked quietly. 

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley, we'll be by for a visit this weekend." Draco said, smiling. 

"Alright, splendid! It was lovely to see you, Narcissa, you are welcome to come by as well!" Molly said as she ushered Harry and Ginny off the platform. 

Hermione and Draco turned to the rest of their friends and hugged them goodbye. "Shall we, my love?" Draco said, holding out his arm. Hermione took his hand and Narcissa took his arm and in a matter of seconds they were standing in the Manor. 

"Welcome home, Hermione!" Narcissa said excitedly. 

Hermione smiled as her and Draco went to move their trunks upstairs to their room. She was starting a new chapter in her life that she couldn't wait to begin. She had the man of her dreams next to her and a wonderful group of friends that she considered a second family. That was all she needed. She sat on the bed and smiled at Draco. 

"I love you, Draco." 

"I love you too, Hermione." 

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