Chapter 31: Smitten

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The exams were now done and it was nearing the end of the year. Hermione could not believe that it was almost the end of her school days. She would miss Hogwarts desperately. Yes, she had some awful memories from this place, but those, combined with the wonderful memories she had created, made her strong and made this place a second home for her. 

She was sitting in the library with Ginny, Luna and Pansy. The three other girls were discussing something that Luna's father had written and Hermione, unsurprisingly, had her nose buried in a book.

Harry, Blaise and Draco had decided to go flying, while Neville was assisting Professor Sprout with something in the Herbology greenhouse. 

"Hermione, why on earth are we in the library on such a gorgeous day? It's been raining for weeks and the sun is finally out, why don't we go sit by the lake or something." Ginny asked. 

Hermione looked up from her book to see all three girls looking at her with eager expressions. She sighed and rolled her eyes before nodding in agreement. Excitedly, they all packed their books away and began running through the corridors to get outside. 

Once the girls had perched themselves on the grass outside, basking in the warm June sun, Hermione said "I can't believe we are all leaving this place soon. Maybe for the last time." 

Pansy giggled and said "I honestly cannot wait to get out of here. This place is awful. It's far too old and the professors have too many rules put in place. The only fun you have here is by breaking the rules." 

Ginny snorted and asked "Why do you think Fred and George had so much fun here?" 

"You guys! This is serious! We've spent eight years of our lives here... aren't you guys going to miss it?" Hermione asked sadly. 

"I will definitely miss it, yes, but for reasons that are most likely different to yours. I am going to miss the stories that this castle holds. All the amazing creatures around here as well." Luna said dreamily. 

Hermione smiled and reached to grab her book before Ginny smacked her hand and practically yelled "No. More. Reading. Today. Hermione Granger!" 

Hermione looked startled and put the book down as she realized that Ginny's little outburst had caused a few Hufflepuff girls to turn around and stare at them. God, Hermione hated being the center of attention. She hated how much she got stared at, which happened often. Whether it was because she was Harry Potter's best friend, or because she was dating ex Death Eater, Draco Malfoy, she couldn't stand the attention. 

"What am I supposed to do if I can't read?" Hermione asked, a hint of annoyance flowed on her voice. 

"Kiss me." A voice said from behind her. She turned around to see Draco standing above her, one eyebrow cocked and the signature Malfoy smirk playing on his lips. 

Hermione smiled slightly and then furrowed her brow, making the smile disappear. "No, I think I'd much prefer to read." She said, turning back around and picking up her book. 

Ginny and Pansy giggled at this, while Luna seemed captivated with a flower in the grass next to her. 

Draco leaned over Hermione and plucked the book from her hands. "If that's how you want to play, Granger, then by all means, come get the book." He said in a cocky voice. 

Hermione stood up and tried reaching for her book as Draco held it above her head. "Give me the book, Malfoy." She said, trying to hold back a laugh. 

"Kiss me, and you get the book back." He said, grinning down at her. 

"No." She said. 

"Alright. Then, no book for you." He replied, looking over at Blaise who was walking towards them. "Blaise! Catch!" He yelled, throwing the book towards Blaise, who just barely caught it before it hit a First Year in the head. 

Hermione looked at Draco angrily and said "Don't throw my book, Draco. It was expensive and I don't want your foolish games to ruin it." 

Draco just looked down at the small witch beside him and said "Should've given me a kiss, Hermione. Then your precious book would never be left in the hands of Blaise." 

Hermione huffed and turned to Blaise. "Blaise, give me my book. Now." She said, obviously annoyed. 

Blaise looked between Hermione and Draco. Draco shook his head no and Blaise said "Sorry Hermione, as much as I would absolutely ADORE to give this extremely heavy and probably very boring book back to you, I must side with Draco on this one." 

Hermione looked between the two of them and angrily stomped her foot like a child. Finally, she turned to Draco and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in to give him a kiss. He gladly returned the kiss and put his hands on her waist, drawing her into a hug after pulling away from the kiss. 

He smiled down at her and said "Alright. Blaise, give her the book." 

Blaise handed the book to Hermione before moving over to sit in the Grass next to Pansy. Hermione looked up at Draco and smiled. "Thank you for the book." She whispered. "Thank you for the kiss." He whispered back. 

Hermione quickly gave Draco a kiss on the cheek before gathering her things and saying "Alright, I'm off to go put my things away. I'll see you all at dinner." She smiled and waved before turning around and walking back towards the castle. 

Blaise looked at Draco as he watched Hermione walk towards the castle, a small smile on his face. 

When Draco sat down, Blaise said "Draco, mate, you're absolutely smitten." 

Draco blushed and said "Am not!" 

Pansy snorted loudly. "Draco, I love you, but you are so dimwitted sometimes it blows my mind." 

"What's that supposed to mean, Pans?" Draco asked, defensively. 

Luna sighed and said "Draco, you just watched Hermione walk to the castle like she was the only girl in the entire world. She moves, you move. She laughs, you laugh. She's sad, you're sad. I know you two love each other, but it's like you're magnets. Everything one of you does, effects the other one in the same way. It's quite miraculous actually, a love like that only comes around every so often." 

Everyone looked at Luna, who had gone back to inspecting the ground for more flowers. Ginny raised and eyebrow and said "Luna's got a point." 

"Well, Hermione is the only girl in the world in my eyes. She is absolutely perfect in every sense of the word. Smart, beautiful, funny, witty, encouraging..." Draco trailed off, a smile forming on his lips. He said it softly, as if he was listing them off to himself, more than to the others. 

Draco chuckled. "I told you, mate, you're completely and utterly smitten with Hermione." He said. 

"You're falling in love... falling in love... with Hermione Granger." Luna sang quietly to herself. 

"He fell in love a long time ago, Luna." Ginny said, eyeing Draco who had now laid down in the grass, his hands behind his head, staring up at the sky with a goofy grin on his face. 

"I'm going to marry that girl." He whispered to himself. At least, he thought it was to himself, but Ginny had heard him and smiled softly to herself. 

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