Chapter 12: The letter

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It had been one week since the Christmas Holidays and still, nothing had happened. Hermione was starting to wonder if Lucius Malfoy and Thomas Parkinson were going to even try to kill her and her friends at all. Maybe they had just been trying to scare her. The Dementors from Azkaban were still on the prowl for Draco's father and had taken guard around the school. 

"Ugh it's like Third Year all over again." Harry said to Hermione as they walked through the courtyard to get to Herbology. 

"I know, Harry, but at least this time you can actually USE a patronus charm." Hermione responded, rather aggressively. 

"'Mione, what's wrong? You can talk to me." Harry said. 

"I'm fine. I just really cannot stand Herbology this year. It's driving me absolutely crazy." Hermione lied. 

"Is it because you're not the best in the class? Are you angry because Longbottom is better at something than you are." Draco said from behind Hermione. 

Hermione turned around and asked, "Draco, when did you get here?" 

Draco and Harry exchanged a look and Draco said "Hermione, I've been walking behind you for five minutes. You didn't notice me? Okay, I see that I'm nothing more to you than something nice to look at." Draco puffed out his bottom lip and looked sadly at his feet. 

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Draco, please do get off your high horse and come to your senses. Obviously I like you and you are so much more to me than something nice to look at. I'm just focused on getting to class right now so I apologize if I didn't hear you approach us silently." 

Hermione realized what she had said. Had she truly just admitted that she liked Draco? And not just to herself but in front of Harry AND Draco as well? She blushed furiously as Harry raised an eyebrow, obviously bewildered by what had just happened. 

"Oh, so you like me, huh?" Draco said with a grin. 

"No.. um, tha- that's not what I-" Hermione stuttered but Draco cut her off. "Hermione, no need to be embarrassed, I like you too." He whispered so that Harry didn't hear. And with that he quickly pecked Hermione's cheek and ran off towards his next lesson. 

Harry looked at Hermione and started to laugh, hysterically. 

"What ever are you laughing at?" Hermione said sternly. 

"I- I just NEVER thought I'd see the day where Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have feelings for each other! Well, come to think of it, I never thought I'd see the day where myself and Malfoy are friends." Harry said, gasping for air as he laughed. 

Hermione hit him on the head with a roll of parchment she had in her hand and said "Harry, it really is not that funny. Plus, if you keep laughing like this, we're going to be late for class." 

Harry stifled his laugh and followed an exasperated Hermione down the hill to Herbology. 


It was after lunch and Hermione had the rest of the afternoon off. She was planning on spending much of it in the Library. It seemed the library was the only place where she really felt completely relaxed and where she could hide for hours without one of her friends pestering her about something. 

She ran to her common room to put her books away before going up to the library, but when she entered the common room, she saw Draco's books strewn across the table. 

"Draco, I'm going to the library to revise if you want to come with me? The only condition is that you have to be quiet, I am not really in the mood for talking." She called to him before going into her room. 

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