Chapter 15: Snape's house

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Hermione woke up in Draco's arms the next morning. She smiled to herself as she shook him awake. "What time is it?" He grumbled, not opening his eyes. "It's 7:30. Breakfast is about to start, let's go, I'm hungry." She said. "Do we have to eat? Can't we just skip it?" He grumbled again, pulling her closer to him. "No, Draco. I haven't eaten a thing in three days. I'm going to breakfast whether you stay here or not." She said sternly, getting out of bed and heading toward the bathroom to get ready. 

In an instant, Draco was by her side in the bathroom, brushing his teeth and combing his seemingly perfect hair. Hermione stared at him with wide eyes. A smile formed on her face as she said "You know, you are quite handsome." Draco laughed and said "No need to tell me, I already know." Hermione rolled her eyes and put her wand in the pocket of her robe. 

As they walked out of the portrait hole and into the hallway, Draco took her hand and squeezed it. "I missed you when you were in the hospital wing." He whispered as he leaned down to her ear. Hermione blushed and kept walking forward, not wanting him to know that his words had so much power over her emotions. She was stubborn, but he was equally as stubborn and they balanced each other out. 

"Good morning Draco, Hermione" Ginny greeted cheerily as they sat with their friends for breakfast. 

"Good morning Gin, did you sleep well?" Hermione asked. 

Ginny shared a look between herself, Harry and Neville before shaking her head no. "We were trying to think of places that Lucius and Thomas could be hiding out." She said. 

"And? Did you figure anything out? If I had known that you were going to be working on that, I would have helped." Hermione replied. 

"Hermione, it's really no trouble. You needed rest." Neville said kindly. 

Draco squeezed Hermione's hand under the table and said "Actually guys, I think I know where they're hiding." 

"Well Malfoy, don't hesitate. Tell us where they are!" Harry urged. 

"I was talking to Snape last night and he mentioned that his house was still empty. The Death Eaters used to go there sometimes to discuss Voldemort's plans. I think that would be exactly where my imbecile of a father might be hiding." Draco said, the last sentence sliding off his tongue full of hatred and disgust. 

"Well then, we must go! Tonight." Hermione whispered so that nobody around them could hear. 

The rest of the group nodded in agreement and Draco said "But we have to be extremely careful. Let's leave after dinner." 

They all got up and left the table. As they walked out of the Great Hall, Harry said "I'll send an owl to Ron, telling him what's going on. He should be there too." Draco nodded in agreement as Harry and Neville left to go to the Gryffindor common room. 

 Draco grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her to their common room saying "Come now princess, we've got a plan to hatch." Hermione grimaced and said "Please do not EVER call me princess again. I'm not a princess." 

Draco laughed and said "Well Hermione, if I'm the Slytherin prince, then you must be a princess that's how it works." He watched Hermione's face and realized that she was serious and said quickly "Alright, not a princess, got it." Hermione smiled up at him. She truly was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. 


After dinner, Harry, Neville, Ginny, Hermione and Draco quickly and quietly made their way outside the castle gates to a place where they could apparate. Ron joined them and they all greeted him happily. "Everyone grab my arm." Draco instructed. Hermione took his hand and gave it a squeeze as the others lightly took hold of his arms or shoulders. 

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