Chapter 25: Back to Normal

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The unlikely group of friends walked out of the Ministry of Magic and decided to find a nice little café to eat lunch at before returning to school. 

They sat around a large table and ordered food, talking quietly as they waited for it to arrive. Ron was laughing at something that Harry had said and Claire whispered to Hermione "This is the first time he's smiled in three days." 

Hermione giggled and said "It's because he's not going to Azkaban, he's usually like this." 

Claire then fully turned to Hermione and said "I'm glad he has friends like you guys. I'll be honest, at first I was a little apprehensive about the fact that he was still friends with his ex... but now that I see you're with Draco it doesn't worry me anymore." 

Hermione gaped silently at Claire and then smiled a bit and said "Claire, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Ron and I figured that we work better as friends. I love him, yes, but as nothing more than the person who's been there for me since we were eleven. He's happy with you, I can see it." 

Claire smiled and replied "You know... Draco stares at you like he's never seen a girl before. I find it rather charming." 

Hermione turned to see that Claire was correct. Draco was staring at her intently as if trying to listen in on their conversation. When he saw that she had caught him, he flashed her a big smile and blushed slightly, looking away to talk to Blaise. Hermione felt butterflies in her stomach and looked down at the table. Claire nudged her and said "You guys are perfect." 

Claire was starting to grow on Hermione. At first, Hermione had thought she was quite a dull witch, but after spending a little while around her, she had realized that she was a perfect match for Ron, which pleased Hermione. 

The conversation around the table went quiet and Claire asked "So, since all of you are still in school, what are you planning on doing after you leave?" 

"I'm going to be an Auror." Harry said simply, looking at Ron who was going to enter auror training with him after his internship was finished. 

"I want to try out for the Holyhead Harpies." Ginny said "I absolutely love quidditch, so why not make a career out of it?" 

Hermione stayed quiet as the others went around saying what they were planning on doing after leaving school. It was then that it dawned on Hermione that she had no idea what she wanted to do when school was over. 

"What about you, Hermione?" Draco asked. 

"Hm?" Hermione said, snapping back to reality. 

"What do you plan on doing after leaving school?" Luna asked. 

"Um... I haven't really decided. I honestly don't know what I want to do." Hermione said quietly. 

Everyone looked surprised at this comment and Ron said "So you mean to tell me that everyone at this table has a better idea of what they want to do with their life than Hermione Granger? Well, that, my friends, is a shock." 

Everyone laughed except Hermione who looked around nervously. Draco reached over and took her hand from across the table saying "It's okay, love, we can figure it out together, ok?" She simply nodded and smiled slightly. 

Finally the food arrived and Neville said "Oh good, I'm absolutely famished!" He gave Ron a look and both of them started shoveling food into their mouths as if having a competition as to who could eat the most food. 

After they had finished eating, Ron and Claire went back to the ministry and the rest of the group went back to school. It was mid afternoon and by the time they arrived back at school and all of the seventh years had no classes in the afternoon. They walked through the corridors until someone spotted Pansy and they went over to her. 

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