Chapter 33: Epilogue

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Hermione and Draco walked through the large entrance of Kings Cross Station on September 1st. They had twins who were now eleven years old and were excitedly on their way to their first year at Hogwarts. Scorpius was a carbon copy of his father. Bleach blond hair that he liked to slick back and piercing grey eyes. However, he had his mother's personality. He loved to read and he was very smart. He was kind at heart and quite shy when it came to talking to other people. Lyra looked very similar to Hermione. Her hair was a dirty blonde color and it flowed in long waves over her shoulders. She also had her father's eyes. She was a very even mix when it came to personality but she detested reading, much to the dismay of her mother. 

"Mum, where exactly is Platform 9 3/4?" Lyra asked as she pushed her trunk. 

"Well, we have to run through the wall between platforms 9 and 10." Hermione said, smiling over at Draco. 

"We have to run... through a WALL?" Scorpius exclaimed, a look of panic flooding his features as he looked between his mother and father. 

"Yes, Scorp. But don't you worry, you don't feel it at all." Draco said, calmly putting a hand on his son's shoulder. 

As the family reached the pillar between platforms, they looked around to make sure no muggles before they began to run into the pillar. 

When they got to the other side, the platform was buzzing with excitement. Lyra and Scorpius' eyes widened as they looked at the huge train in front of them. 

"Have you got everything, kids?" Hermione asked. 

"Stop fussing, mum. You've asked us that at least 18 times since we left the house." Lyra sighed. 

"Oh, you think she's bad now, you should have heard her when we were kids." Ron's voice said from behind Hermione. 

"UNCLE RON! AUNTIE CLAIRE!" Scorpius and Lyra yelled in unison, running up to give Ron and his wife, Claire big hugs. 

"Hi, Fred." Lyra said, hugging Ron and Claire's son who was the same age as Draco and Hermione's children. 

All of the people in the group had children around the same time, meaning that they were all beginning their first year at Hogwarts. Harry and Ginny had a son, Albus Potter. Blaise and Pansy had a daughter named Kira Zabini. Luna and Neville weren't able to have children, but they adopted Remus and Tonks' son, Teddy, after they graduated. Teddy was a few years older than the other children and was already in his fourth year at Hogwarts. 

"Having a family reunion, are we?" Harry's voice said from behind everyone. 

"Harry, Ginny, lovely to see you!" Hermione said, hugging her friends. "Hello, Albus, how are you?" 

"I'm alright Auntie Mione, but I'm a little bit nervous." Albus said, quietly. 

"So am I, Al. We can sit together on the train! We'll be all together anyway." Scorpius said, pulling Albus' into a hug. 

"Where are Blaise and Pansy?" Ginny asked. 

"Late as usual. You know Kira, always making a fuss over things." Draco said. 

"Wait, I see them down there. They're walking towards us." Ron said, pointing down the platform. Sure enough, Pansy, Blaise and their daughter, Kira were walking towards them. 

"Hi Aunt Hermione, Uncle Draco, Uncle Ron, Uncle Harry, Aunt Claire and Aunt Ginny!" Kira said as they arrived. 

"Hi Kira." Scorpius said shyly. 

Draco grinned at Blaise and Pansy began to laugh. The train whistle blew loudly, signifying that everyone should be getting on the train. All the kids looked at their parents' smiling faces and gave them each very long hugs. 

"Goodbye mum, I'm going to miss you." Scorpius said, trying not to cry. 

"Scorp, don't cry. Owl us anytime and we'll come running." Hermione whispered. 

Draco got down on one knee and kissed his children on their foreheads. "I love you both. We'll see you at Christmas." He said. 

Pansy, Blaise, Draco, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Claire watched as their children got on the train and waved goodbye as the train began to pull away. 

"I can't believe they're really gone." Hermione said. 

"Oh, hush, at least you two only have the twins. We have to watch our other children." Ginny said. 

Everyone laughed at that. "So, you guys are all coming for dinner tonight, right?" Blaise asked. 

"If there's food, we'll be there." Ron said, patting his stomach. 

"Ronald, all you do is think about food." Ginny sighed.

"Count us in, Blaise." Harry said. 

"Yes, we'll be there too, don't worry." Draco said. 

"Neville and Luna should be coming by as well." Pansy said. 

They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. 

Once they had apparated back to their house, Draco cocked and eyebrow and smirked at Hermione. She noticed and asked "What's that look for, Draco?" 

He chuckled and said "For the first time in eleven years... the house is going to be completely empty for more than just a few hours...." 

Hermione simply laughed and said "I'm not that easy, Mr. Malfoy." 

Draco sighed and wrapped his arms around his wife, giving her a tender kiss. They walked into their living area and Hermione picked up a book. 

"Do you think they'll write to us?" She asked. 

"No. Scorpius will be having too much fun in the library and Lyra will be wreaking havoc with Kira." He replied. 

Hermione laughed and said "I guess they are pretty similar to us." 

"I guess they are." Draco said. 

"How did I end up marrying and having kids with the most perfect person?" Hermione asked, looking at Draco's smiling face. 

"Darling, it's really quite simple." He said. 

"Then please, enlighten me." 

"You colored outside the lines." 

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