Suck it, Aldera

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TW: this chapter contains mentions of child abuse, please don't read if this is a difficult topic for you.

BREAKING NEWS: Local middle school has been shut down due to rampant quirkism and student safety violation by staff.

Local school, Aldera Middle has been shut down following an extensive investigation headed by Hound Dog, pro hero and teacher at the prestigious UA Academy and Midoriya Inko, local mother and famed quirk discrimination lawyer.

Midoriya says, "My son went to Aldera, and now with the support of UA staff I was finally able to conduct a proper investigation. Their quirkism and blatant disregard for student safety was disgusting to say the least, and I'm happy to announce that Aldera Middle will be closing their doors permanently." Later, when asked about her personal connection to the case, Midoriya said, "Yes, my son is quirkless, but that doesn't make him any less of a human being deserving of a safe and unbiased education."

Midoriya Izuku, son of Midoriya Inko is currently a student in the hero course at UA high, and reportedly was the main victim sparking this investigation. Reports say Midoriya was abused at the hands of both his classmates and teachers, as well as was treated unfairly academically. Midoriya Izuku was not available to comment.

Many past and current students in the Mustafu and surrounding counties are just now coming forward to share their own experiences with quirkism in the classroom, all of the victims seemingly sporting minor quirks, or like Midoriya Izuku, no quirk at all. In light of this case it seems now that this is not a one off issue, but quirkism and discrimination are a rampant issue in today's schools, and this has sparked the question, just how far does this corruption really go?

Unfortunately, it would seem, the answer is incredibly far. Three new cases have been opened in surrounding schools following the conclusion of the UA V. Aldera case. These cases are against two state supported high schools as well as Mustafu Elementary. The time for ignorance and "turning the other cheek" has past, and it seems that people must face the truth. Our schools are corrupt, as is the systems put in place to keep them in check.

More on the UA V. Aldera case can be seen on our website, Mustafu Local News.

Staff Chat

RockSolid- Cementoss
MamaMidnight- Midnight
BigSpeaker- PresentMic
Dadzawa- Eraserhead
Rat God- Nedzu
NomNom- Lunch Rush
King- Vlad King
DoneTM- Powerloader
Nohands- Ectoplasm
IDontMiss- Snipe
REST!- Recovery Girl
Resident Therapist- Hound Dog
GenderlessVoid- Thirteen
ProblemChild- Izuku
AssMight- All Might

Rat God: Midoriya- kun!
Rat God: did you see the news?

ProblemChild: no?

MamaMidnight is online
Resident Therapist is online
DoneTM is online
GenderlessVoid is online
IDontMiss is online
Dadzawa is online
BigSpeaker is online

MamaMidnight: GA S P

Resident Therapist: I advise you watch the news

GenderlessVoid: Turn on the tv Izukkun!!


BigSpeaker: Take a look at the news, listener!

Dadzawa: channel 7, kid

ProblemChild: okay

Rat God: Midoriya- kun?
Rat God: are you still there?

MamaMidnight: SoN?

BigSpeaker: listener? You there?

DoneTM: kid?

Dadzawa: give him a minute

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