Sup babes

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Okay lmfao


I just got out of a four month stint in a mental hospital halfway across the country

N' now I'm like...


And I wanna finish the fic (both for myself and you guys) but it's been so long that I've just got no fucking clue where to go


i figured I'd ask you all what you want to see happen, whether it be plot or moments to include or characters or arcs

Literally whatever

Plz! Comment here or message me I wanna write againn!!

(Also Ik wattpad users r fucked in the head and tbh I can't promise much but if u rlly need help I can talk. I've been checking my comments and messages. Plz don't use me as a hotline and try not to hinge on my response cuz I'm kinda spacey but I can do my best to help out with processing and addressing cognitive errors n whatnot)

Also there is a national helpline (U.S. only tho I think :/) for texting in case calls r too awkward bcuz let's face it talking is hard

Text HOME to 741741 for the crisis text line. They operate 24/7 and I stg it sounds lame but sometimes having a third party to talk to is literally the most helpful thing. I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't think so- they've saved me before.

Lolz that went heavy

But tbh my most favorite thing about writing this has been reading the comments to see how I've helped make you all smile. An shit- if getting heavy means making them smiles last another day then goshdarnit. I'm gunna

Can't wait to hear from my favorite sinners, slayers, and whores!! <3

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