The Aftermath

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BREAKING NEWS: Three pro heroes said to attend the UA Sports Festival reported missing early this morning.

Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Death Arms have all been reported missing this morning after allegedly attending the UA Sports Festival. There were no reported signs of struggle or distress present in the three pro's moods while present at the festival. While foul play is currently not suspected, it has yet to be ruled out. More at five.

Staff Chat #2

RockSolid- Cementoss
MamaMidnight- Midnight
BigSpeaker- PresentMic
Dadzawa- Eraserhead
Rat God- Nedzu
NomNom- Lunch Rush
King- Vlad King
DoneTM- Powerloader
Nohands- Ectoplasm
IDontMiss- Snipe
REST!- Recovery Girl
Resident Therapist- Hound Dog
GenderlessVoid- Thirteen
SkinnyMight- All Might

Dadzawa: Nedzu what did you do

Rat God is online

Rat God: whatever do you mean?

Dadzawa: three heroes went missing from school grounds
Dadzawa: there is no way you weren't involved or at least turned a blind eye to whatever happened

Rat God: they were very rude about Midoriya- kun

MamaMidnight is online
GenderlessVoid is online
DoneTM is online
Nohands is online
IDontMiss is online
Resident Therapist is online
SkinnyMight is online

MamaMidnight: Nedzu where are they
MamaMidnight: where the fuck are they I wanna murder someone

Dadzawa: so you kidnapped them??

Rat God: Kayama sees where I'm coming from

Dadzawa: okay wait I don't know what planet ur from but kidnapping people is NOT HOW YOU SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS

Rat God: they spent the entirety of the match mocking Midoriya- kun and quirkless people as a whole
Rat God: Mt. Lady at one point wrote (and I quote) "I'm surprised he isn't dead yet lol"

Dadzawa: ...where the fuck are they

Rat God: well I mean they're alive

MamaMidnight: perfect, they can't suffer if they're dead

GenderlessVoid: pitchforks for everyone

IDontMiss: oh they're so fucked

DoneTM: where are they
DoneTM: Hatsume just made a faulty taser she wants to try out

Nohands: oh shit

SkinnyMight: I too, wish to have a conversation with these heroes
SkinnyMight: perhaps I can assist them in seeing the error of their biased ways, similar to the way Midoriya has changed my opinions

MamaMidnight: dude I didn't invite you

SkinnyMight: I recognize that I have been biased in the past but now I wish for nothing other than to correct those wrongs

MamaMidnight: hmm

DoneTM: I'm sorry are we forgetting how you ENABLED SUICIDE

SkinnyMight: and I can never repair that mistake
SkinnyMight: but we've had a staff meeting regarding that and I still have mandatory teaching lessons and counseling with hound dog
SkinnyMight: please, I am trying very hard

GenderlessVoid: damn he makes a good point
GenderlessVoid: and he's not the one we're mad at atm

Dadzawa: I agree
Dadzawa: Nedzu, where are they
Dadzawa: I just want to talk

Rat God: now, now
Rat God: let's not be hasty
Rat God: we need to come at this with a plan

MamaMidnight: yeah, murder

Rat God: don't you think that making a statement while systematically beginning to destroy societal impressions of quirkless people and absolutely shattering their careers would work better?

GenderlessVoid: what do we gotta do

Rat God: well...

BREAKING NEWS: Screenshots from a text conversation between Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Death Arms have recently been released.

Screenshots from a group chat containing Yu Takeyama, better known as the hero Mt. Lady, Shinji Nishia, better known as the hero Kamui Woods, and Desutegoro, better known as the hero Death Arms have been released by an anonymous source. These pictures have caused public outrage, depicting extreme bias against quirkless people along with a blatant disregard for student safety and even pedophilic connotations.

Though the location of the heroes has not been disclosed, outcry for their hero licenses being revoked has already begun to spread like wildfire throughout the country along with a plead for further legal action to be taken against Mt. Lady for her casual references to statutory rape in regard to Midoriya Izuku, the second place winner of the Sports Festival.

Midoriya, who is now famously quirkless, placed first in the first two events of the Sports Festival and second in the last. Although he did not win the final event, he is being called the "people's champion" by many.

When interviewed, one civilian stated, "Oh yeah, no it's super gross how they were talking about the kid. He did good. At the end I guess that's what matters. I don't know, this whole thing feels weird, and I feel bad, you know. I didn't expect the kid to get that far- none of us did."

Apparently Midoriya's progress came as a shock to many people, but not to his teacher, the famed #1 hero of Japan, All Might. In an interview with the press, All Might stated, "Of course I expected young Midoriya to do well, he is one of the most advanced in his class! His quirklessness is no indicator of his capability or talent, and I unfortunately must admit I used to hold biases against him because I failed to understand that. But I admit openly now that I was wrong, and the quirkless are just as capable as any of us."

Later on in the interview, All Might mentioned the rest of the UA staff's support for Midroiya's education, stating that they were, "proud to have their first quirkless student."

Following this interview, anti- quirkless hate crimes dropped almost 60%, bringing once again to our attention how much overwhelming influence pro heroes have. So it begs the question, what will become of Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Death Arms? If you ask just about any passerby on the street, they'd all say the same thing, "take their hero license."

BREAKING NEWS: Missing heroes, Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Death Arms have been reportedly found, unharmed outside of a bar in downtown Mustafu.

While it is unclear how they arrived there, Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Death arms reportedly have no recollection of the past night, and all three have high levels of blood alcohol content. Foul play is not suspected. Currently, all three heroes are residing in the northern Mustafu police station, mostly for their own protection, as several large crowds calling for the revoking of their hero lisences have formed downtown. More at ten.

A/N: here's the double post I was talking ab earlier- sorry it's in a bit later than the first.

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