introductions and hostility

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November 4, 1976
11:31 am

The Thunderbirds stared out at the Black Lake lit up by the overhead, buttery late morning sun for a few moments before speaking to one another. Ilvermorny was on the rocky coast of Massachusetts, which was beautiful in it's own way with the crashing waves and dark grey sand beaches. But Leo had never been in a place like the mountains, mossy grounds before, and he was completely transfixed.

"So, what happened with you and this boy?" he asked to start off the conversation, resting his chin on the cold metal bar in front of him. "Did you kiss him or something?"

"No!" Anneliese said quickly with wide blue eyes, making Leo tilt his head up and grin at her fast denial. "I mean, yes, but that was before I knew him- stop looking at me like that!"

"So the first thing Anneliese Callaway does when she gets to the UK is kisses a stranger," he said with a short nod and serious expression. "Sounds about right- stop hitting me, I'm sorry!"

They both laughed for a few moments before the smile slowly fell off the corners of her mouth.

"Some guy was being a jerk at a pub, like kind of scary, actually," she started, and Leo's eyes narrowed. "And he was all like 'then prove it.' when I said I already had a boyfriend. And the first group of boys my age I see are James, Remus, Peter, and him."

"Who are James, Remus, and Peter?" Leo asked curiously, scooting a bit to adjust his jacket. "Are they in Gryffindor, too?"

"They're the pranksters here, along with Grey Eyes. All three of them are really nice, James is the head of my quidditch team. Bit arrogant sometimes, but we're good friends." Anneliese explained. "I think you would really like Remus. Oh, that reminds me, PEEVES!"

Leo whipped his head around as a bolt of light blue shot between the small space between them a second after Callaway had shouted, ready at her command.

"What will it be today?" he asked, chubby cheeks pushed up with a demonic smile. "I don't think that old Dumbles liked it much when we added Pepperup Potion to all of the professor's drinks yesterday so they acted like they were one something, but there's always- who's this?"

Blinking a few times in both shock of the poltergeist and what he and Anneliese had done, Anderson stumbled menatlly for a few moments before answering.

"I'm Leo, her friend," he said with a smile. "You must be the famous Peeves. I admire your work already, sir."

The cherubic ghost took a dramatic bow that made both of them laugh before zooming away once he realized that he had been summoned simply for an introduction.

"Smart idea with the Pepperup Potion," Leo smiled, turning back to the reason why he was here. "Now, please continue about you kissing Siriu- Grey Eyes."

"Oh, yea, so he got me out of that situation, and uhm, I thought that was that," Anneliese explained, fidgeting with a strand of wavy hair. "I wasn't expecting to ever see him again."

"Tough luck," Leo grumbled, pulling out a cigarette and offering one to Callaway, who accepted. "And then you got sorted into the same house as him in the same year?"

"Unfortunately," Anneliese confirmed. "We despised one another for the first bit, but then we started to get closer. A lot closer, actually. But he's always been the jealous type, you know? Whenever I mentioned another guy, he would just get all cold."

Leo frowned a bit, knowing the kind of guy he sounded like.

"And yesterday was his birthday, and he had a party, and he uhm.." Anneliese started, uncomfortably starting to braid a strand.

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