cherry cough drops and bargains

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really pay attention to the dates and times in this one

November 3, 1977
5:03 am
Gryffindor Boys Dormitories

"Even if it is true," she finished, his shirt still tight in her grip as she did not push him away from her, did not send him stumbling backwards so he was alone in the corridor as she walked away.

"Well then what would you like me to do about it?" he challenged, gaze flicking down to her lips. "Deny it? We both know that wouldn't do much, darling."

She swallowed forcefully, and he knew instantly by the way her hold on his shirt loosened for even just a split second that he had gotten to her, he hadn't been supposed to reply this way to her boldness.

He wasted no time in taking advantage of her pause, carelessly throwing his glass to the side with a shatter of glass and alcohol so that both of his hands could be free to grab her hips and pin her back against the wall.

His back had been curved slightly to look down at her level during the duration of their conversation he had just cut off, but now his shoulders were straight and he was at his full height, looking down at her.

His fingertips dug into her hips as her hands were suddenly lost, not knowing what to do with them now that she could no longer grab onto his shirt.

Their grey and blue eyes looked similar that night, both alive and hungry and angry and full with things that were usually below the surface.

"I'm too mad to be seduced by you right now," she snapped up at him, eyes narrowed even as his hands remained on her hips. "Deal with the fact that you're just gonna end up alone tonight, or at least not with me."

"No one's ever too angry for a little bit of fun," he replied. "Especially not if that anger can just be channeled into something better than petty insults and arguments."

He only gave her a split second to figure out what he meant by that before he showed her.

It was all a blur. Doors fumbling open and slamming closed and locking shut. Shirts open, shorts down, hips up. The sound of heavy breath and light gasps and elastic bands snapping against skin.

A sudden wave of cold rushed over him, along with a loud shout and burst of bright light.

"SIRIUS! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" the voice instructed him as hands yanked his covers off his chest and a wand shone in his face. "HOW HUNGOVER ARE YOU?"

Black opened his eyes to see Leo right by his corner bed, standing there with messy hair and extremely smudged eyeliner that he hadn't washed off from the fever dream that was last night's party.

And that was when it hit Sirius that nothing in his dream had actually happened.

Anneliese had walked away from him last night, and he had been too caught up in himself and his own thoughts to actually do something about how he felt in the hallway, which was probably just a drunk feeling anyway.

In fact, she was probably still passed out on the couch with Lily where he had last seen her the previous night.

He yanked the covers over him as a piercing headache began to start from his hangover, but Leo yanked them right back down.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Black shouted in a whiny voice, now covering his face with a pillow so that its loud groans of frustration could be somewhat muffled.

"WE NEED TO TALK!" Leo shouted back, matching his volume. "NOW!"

"What time is it?" Sirius asked, daring him to answer. "I swear to god I have only been sleeping for like three damn hours."

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