bludgers and ravenclaws

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January 9, 1977
Quidditch Pitch

Nothing had blown over.

An entire week had passed since Sirius and Anneliese had gotten in their fight, and with every day that passed, the chances of them making up seemed to decrease at a quicker and quicker rate.

The whole school was excited with anticipation of that morning's Gryffindor versus Slytherin match, it being the largest and most historical rivalry out of all the houses.

Despite the fact that she had hardly been getting any sleep at night, Anneliese was still as ready as she could be as she hovered next to James.

"Just try and separate seeking from all the shit that's been happening," James told her as comfortingly as he could. "Quidditch is a good distraction, right?"

"It's not when I've had four people this morning tell me that they hope my broom snaps in half in midair," Anneliese grumbled. "I have too many enemies here."

"Hey, you have more friends than enemies," Potter said, adjusting his glasses. "Me, Lily, Pete, Remus, Dorcas, Lene, Alice, Frank, we're all here for you, okay?"

"Thank you, but we both know the missing person is what's bothering me," she replied. "Black and I are splitting yall, and it's not fair."

"No, you aren't," James reassured her. "I know a lot of people would make all of us pick a side, but you two aren't doing that. Nothing is going to break the sixth year Gryffindors apart, alright? We're always going to do what's best for our whole year, not do petty things and clump to one person, liking choosing your or Sirius, out of spite."

Anneliese gave him the best smile she could muster, and a far less serious expression came onto James's face that mildly concerned her.

"Now, I said that the sixth year Gryffindors would always stick together, but I can't speak for those other stupid houses," James told her with a grin. "I was this close to blowing up Ravenclaw tower when Remus told me about the tally marks."

"That would honestly just give them more material to work with," Anneliese replied, but a real smile was forming. "Turns out this school can turn anything into a week long drama fest."

"Yea, nothing like this has happened since Lily and Snivellus got into that fight," James pointed out. "The summer cut off that, though, otherwise it would have lasted way longer."

"So do you think I'm gonna have to wait until the damn summer?" Anneliese asked, only partly joking. "Surely this will all be sorted out by then."

"The drama, yes," he told her confidently. "As far as you and Sirius.. you have to talk to him, A."

"I have nothing to say," she said, smile fading. "We got all of it out, and not things are how they are."

"Yea, I was afraid you would say that," James sighed. "Sirius said the exact same thing, word for word to me last night."

"Good, then we agree," Anneliese said, eyes narrowed. "We need to focus, the match is about to start."

Potter looked at her a few seconds after she turned her head away, wishing that his two mates would just stop ghosting one another and just snog already.

"Did you hear that Hufflepuff say that they wanted to knock her off her broom?" Remus asked Lily, who nodded with a frown. "That's just mental. All of them are on Sirius's side, as if they have any business doing so."

"Well at least A has all of the Slytherins after what she did to Malfoy," Marlene pointed out. "But then Ravenclaw is completely against her."

"I think all the Gryffindors are just confused," Alice cut in. "None of them not in our year really know where to stand. Earlier this morning, I heard two fifth years saying that Sirius was-"

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