fools and black silk

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November 30, 1977
7:04 pm
Prefect's Bathroom Showers

Anneliese was uncertain as she ran a razor up her leg, over the dog tattoo, and stopped at her hip. She held the blade under the stream of hot water before touching up her knee, wincing slightly as she cut herself on the curve.

She never had a mom to teach her exactly how to do this, and she nicked herself nearly every time she shaved.

After a few more moments of inspection, she decided that she was satisfied and turned off the hot water, giving her lungs a break from the scalding steam that had been crowding them for the past twenty minutes.

The new tattoo on her skin, only completed by Leo a few days ago after working on it for the past two weeks, burned slightly, but she knew all of the redness was gone.

Are you sure about this? he had asked. It's going to be painful, and it's definitely not the smallest thing. You're in for hours of misery.

That's the point, she'd replied grimly. I want to feel it and earn it. No magic involved.

Anneliese inhaled deeply, the smell of strawberries filling her senses as she wrapped a towel around her body and pushed the marble, gold hinged stall door open.

Lily had donated the password to the prefect's bathroom for use of the five girls, and they were all currently enjoying the luxury that these showers provided opposed to the usually chipped green painted doors.

"Anneliese, just tell us who you're going with already," Alice whined as she brushed out her dripping hair. "I already asked Sirius, and he just ignored me, and I have no idea what the hell that means when it comes to you two."

"You asked Sirius?" Anneliese repeated, trying to keep her tone mild. "What'd he do?"

"Curious about the boy we've been ignoring, are we?" Dorcas teased, and Callaway turned away. "Awh, A, what's wrong? You should be happy."

Meadowes knew why she wasn't.

"Just tell me whatever you picked out doesn't have an open back," she whispered, pressing her fingers to her temples. "Please."

Dorcas frowned, but pushed it away. She would shove this oblivious act aside and talk to Anneliese about what she knew once they could get some privacy.

"You'll figure out in a few minutes," she said mysteriously after a few seconds. "I think one of the boys said that they would be bringing everything over any second now-"

A knock on the door sounded, and Lily rushed forward, only wearing a bright yellow robe that she pulled closer around her chest before pulling the handle back and opening the door.

James was standing there, weighed down by five sleeves of fabric that each contained a dress or suit inside over his shoulder.

He had been very forcefully elected to pick up and deliver the dresses from Hogsmeade because 'he worked out like a beast so he had to be the one to carry everything.'

"Thank you," Lily said casually, taking them from him effortlessly while James internally fumbled for how he was supposed to react to this. "God, you look like you've seen a thestral. It's a robe. Deal with it. Goodbye now."

There was an eruption of giggles as she slammed the door shut, and Potter could hear them shouting even as he walked away. James just scratched the back of his head, wondering what he was supposed to have done.

"Oh my god, Alice," Lily gasped as she took her dress from it's wrappings. "This is amazing- wait, because I'm literally in shock. It's perfect."

Fortescue's head popped out from behind a stall, and she let out an excited squeal as she saw the light green dress with delicate embroideries of white flowers all over it.

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