fragile pride and ancient rivalries

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March 15, 1977
4:09 pm
Quidditch Pitch

The aftermath of the Pillowfight had been so severe that McGonagall didn't even want to step into the common room any more after seeing the amount of destruction that had occurred.

Two weeks of detention had been given to all ten of the sixth years.

They had also been instructed to clean up the entire mess themselves, but they all kept getting so distracted with how bad their stomachs hurt from laughing so much that it had ended up taking the entire night to get the common room into any resemblance of neat and clean.

When McGonagall had told them to clean up the room, she was expecting something to happen to add on even more mischief, but nothing like what Anneliese, James, and Sirius had managed to pull off.

James performed one of his best spells, a very crafty Duplicating Charm.

A Permanent Sticking Charm was used by Sirius, just like he had used to hang up the Gryffindor and Muggle paraphernalia in his old room at Grimmauld Place before running away.

Diffindo, the Cutting Charm, was very precisely used by Anneliese with her Seeker's hand eye coordination and steady, practiced grip from doing so many tattoos on herself over the years.

Using all of their various skills, they successfully carved out the piece of burned carpet, duplicated another to replace the ruined part, and then stuck the ashy, crimson, square leftover onto one of the blank walls of the common room.

Anneliese and Sirius had found a frame in a spare classroom and smuggled it in, mounting the carpet on the wall permanently as a tribute to the Pillowfight.

In addition to their two weeks, Potter, Black, and Callaway had also warranted an extra eight days of detention for this stunt.

They had all been absolutely exhausted the next day from staying up so late, but much more good than bad had come from that night.

For one, it only took a week for nearly the entire school to start to use the Pillowfight as a reference point for how much trouble they had gotten into. Anneliese had already heard some Hufflepuffs say 'yea, we lost a few points, but at least it wasn't as bad as the Pillowfight.'"

James and Lily's relationship had also only gone upwards from that night. After their alliance, neither of the two seemed to be in such a delicate balance of almost enemies, acquaintances, and friends anymore.

Now things had transformed into a steady beat of still being a bit on edge around one another out of years of habit, yet still managing to let much more loose and taking things much more lightly.

For Sirius and Anneliese, that kiss behind the couch, no matter how short, had been a very enjoyable expression of how much they both still cared for the other, even if they weren't necessarily showing it in public.

Black knew the reassurance he felt now wouldn't last long, but it still felt good.

The next quidditch match against Slytherin was quite a long time from then, but James was still drilling the team as hard as ever, making sure that they were in top shape. If they won that next game, then they would just have to beat Hufflepuff to win the Quidditch Cup.

The weather was still gradually getting warmer, and Anneliese could actually feel her fingers as she and Fabian went over specific motions for both being a Keeper and Seeker.

Being the two players who didn't have others of their kind like Beaters or Chasers, they were often paired to work together so they wouldn't have to be alone.

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