traumatized layers and selfish anger

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March 25, 1977
8:09 pm
Hogwarts Corridor

Sirius's eyebrows furrowed with intensity as he kissed Anneliese even harder against the wall, pushing so hard that both of them were glad that everyone was at dinner and the corridors were uninhabited.

"People are gonna get suspicious why we're still 'in the common room' when we said we were going to be at dinner ten minutes ago," Anneliese said, suddenly pulling away. "Or someone's gonna see us, James always seems to have a talent for finding people-"

"Oh, that's not going to be an issue," Sirius muttered, eyes still on her lips and desperately wanting his back on them. "Trust me."

The Map resting in his pocket gave him that confidence, but Anneliese was still uncertain.

"Sirius, I really don't want someone to run into us right now," she whispered, standing up straight from her position against the wall. "Not after what I heard earlier."

"That Hufflepuff was stupid," Black said, narrowing his eyes at the memory. "Just stop thinking about it already, cmon."

"It wasn't stupid when they said that 'well, everyone is starting to like her more now that she's not so obsessed with Black anymore,'" Anneliese snapped back. "Forgive me if I want to keep it how people actually like me."

"And you think that one person seeing me kissing you is going to change that?" Sirius asked with an irritated raised eyebrow. "I can just obliviate them."

"First of all, no, and second of all, that's not the damn point," Anneliese said in a small yet angry voice. "The point is that things tend to go more smoothly when people don't mention their suspicions about.. us, so can we please just not right now? The corridors are too open."

Sirius paused for a moment, giving her lips one last longing glance before pulling away from the wall with a frown.

"I do hope you know that you're being way too cautious," he told her in an annoyed voice as they started to walk to the Great Hall. "For all we know, someone could have already seen us, so there's really no point."

Anneliese scoffed slightly, readjusting her tie.

"No, if someone had seen us, then the entire damn school would know in about a half hour and everything would go back to how it used to be with the notes and rumors," she corrected him. "So there definitely is a point."

"No, the difference between then and now is that now, the rumor would be about us together, not fighting," Sirius corrected her in turn. "So people would know better than to mess with you like they did last time."

"I don't want people to not be jerks to me out of fear," Anneliese replied. "I want things to be genuine and for myself, not because some boy is scaring them away for me."

"You've really got to stop with the whole some boy or just his bitch thing," he said coldly. "I'm not just a rando hitting on you, I'm the guy who chased you across a damn ocean to make sure you were happy."

"I never said that I didn't appreciate that, Sirius," she sighed. "Like I've said a dozen times, it's a looking out for myself thing and being an individual, not a you thing."

"It feels like a me thing," Black grumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Like a very heavily me thing."

"You always think everything is a you thing," Anneliese replied factually. "So this isn't new."

"Feeling particularly bitchy today, are we?" Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You know what, I'm not feeling particularly hungry anymore," Callaway declared, stopping her steps towards the Great Hall. "All of the painfully bitter insecurity in the air ruined my appetite."

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