unconscious girls and close calls

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September 12, 1977
5:01 am
Gryffindor Common Room

Anneliese had successfully given herself and Leo insomnia.

The two of them were staring up at the ceiling and laying opposite directions on the same couch, hands folded over their stomachs and deep bags underneath their eyes.

Once again, their fight had been resolved when a new conflict came up to bring them back together, this time with Sirius as their common link of anger binding them in a sense of general annoyance.

Some things could never be taken back, but Leo had taken a note from the Gryffindor's book and decided that living fast might be something worth doing.

"Do you think that Remus cares that all those girls are asking him to the ball?" Leo asked, subconsciously running a hand along his scar. "Because it's like.. a lot."

"Well, he's said no to all of them, hasn't he?" Anneliese pointed out. "So that's saying something. I think it's way too early for anyone to be even mildly concerned about it anyways."

"What?" Leo questioned, sitting up all the way. "Why?"

"Uhm, because it's in like months," Anneliese said, pulling herself up as well. "So much can happen in a day between two people, let alone from now until the last of November. It's ridiculous how many people are already so worried about it."

"I think you might be alone in that," Anderson said with amusement. "The amount of people I've seen already buying dresses and suits and comparing jewelry and all that shit is very high."

"As if there won't be any parties between then and now," Anneliese scoffed. "Like, hello, does Halloween just not exist anymore? And all of the quidditch games and opportunities for things between now and then? Are those just gone?"

"No, Anneliese, you don't understand," Leo said, converting his voice to a surprisingly good British accent. "This is a ball."

"Oh, of course, of course," Anneliese laughed, flopping back down on her back as Leo did the same. "Do you reckon we have the same eyebrows?"

Leo snorted in amusement.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked, letting out a delirious giggle. "Wait, wait- didn't that lady at the milkshake place used say that? Who said that now?"

"Sirius," Anneliese sighed with a slight shudder, wishing she hadn't been so quick to give him his jacket back. "I dunno. It was a few days before when he figured out about Regulus."

"I wish you would tell me what he said," Leo said with a small frown that she couldn't see. "Really, like, you usually give me a word for word play by play type thing when you have an argument with him."

Anneliese just smiled sourly and shook her head, even though he couldn't see it. Anderson knew her well enough to tell exactly what she was doing.

The thing about Leo was that he held long, steady grudges for everyone except Anneliese.

It was honestly a miracle that he would even look at James after what he did, and they all could tell that he was ready to whip out that reminder of what happened in every argument, it was just a matter of time.

Even though James used to be upset that it all happened at the end of the year, he was now grateful for it so that their anger could calm over the summer.

He just hoped that it would stay down.

"Maybe Black was having his midlife crisis," Leo mused at Anneliese's silence. "That's always an option."

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