gum wrappers and ambushes

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wattpad is a bitch and wouldn't let yall comment when i first posted this SO HERE WE ARE AGAIN AND YALL BETTER SPAM TF OUTTA THIS CHAPTER BC I WORKED VERY HARD ON IT

and it would do u good to reread it anyway for hints and clues you might have missed the first time ;)

have a good read my loves!

June 16, 1977
3:08 am

Anneliese was having a staring match with her mattress at three in the morning in only her bra and underwear.

Which really wasn't saying a lot for her current mental state during the ungodly hour when she knew that she had to be ready to start working in less than three hours.

Her back was pressed against her dresser and arms crossed as she narrowed her eyes at the frame of the bed, as if daring it to tempt her anymore.

Ever since she had gone to the north side of the alley to visit the apothecary with some money she borrowed from Leo and very little explanation to him that she left too fast for him to question, Anneliese hadn't touched the wand.

The mark on her hip wasn't healing at all like it had faded away on her hand, but at least it didn't hurt anymore and it wasn't spreading as long as she applied the correct solution to it every night.

Anneliese was also about ninety percent sure that going to Flourish and Blotts with her green notebook, finding books on healing, and copying passages down in a secluded corner was illegal, but she was just doing what had to be done.

Every night that she got further away from her first time trying that spell, the danger seemed foolishly less real.

It really didn't hurt that bad, Anneliese convinced herself as she stared at her mattress where the wand was lying just underneath. And I'm sure that if I just use the butober wax over and a few modified Binding Charms over it then I can hold it just fine.

Callaway sighed, leaned forward, and pressed her eyes against her knees. She knew that Sirius wouldn't want her to.

He knew more about what damage dark magic could do than she did.

Even if Anneliese didn't know all of the details about his past, she knew that Sirius had been surrounded and hurt by it since he was a child. The last thing she wanted was to make him watch her fall into it as well.

But at the same time, was it really that dark?

Don't be stupid, Anneliese told herself with a sigh as she stood up. It left this damn mark on you, obviously it's dark as fuck. You messed with something that shouldn't have been messed with.

But then again, just like a Slytherin had said to her once, was it truly dark or were people just scared of the power it held and called it that as a taboo?

Callaway knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep. There was just no use when her mind was just going to keep wandering back to that flash of dark blue light and dozens of other chaotic thoughts and memories.

There has to be some Sleeping Draught for sale somewhere around here, right? she thought, pulling on a t-shirt and sweatpants over the blue lace. I'll just go grab Leo and he can come with me.

The journey from Ollivanders to the Leaky Cauldron was one that Anneliese ventured very frequently, so much so that the bartender that she had easily become friends with just left a side door unlocked for her.

Now, Callaway felt the slight chill of the night air against her arms, and she suddenly wished that she had grabbed a jacket as well as the sweatpants.

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