intoxicated rants and morning hazes

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April 11, 1977
6:59 am
Gryffindor Boys Dormitories

Sirius woke up to the very pleasant feeling of Anneliese's face buried into the crook of his neck, her warm breath and warm lips against his even warmer skin from having their bodies pressed together all right.

He could smell her fruity, light strawberry shampoo he had smelled in his amortentia what felt like years ago delicately moving into his senses, and the scent calmed him down so much that he wanted to fall right back asleep with her in his arms.

After a few moments of just absorbing her presence silently and with deep breaths, Sirius opened his eyes.

The dormitories were still mostly dark in the earlier hours of the late spring morning, and Black's bed being at the very back of the room added onto the dimness only broken by the warm light coming from near Remus's bed.

Anneliese's sleeping features looked like they were glowing to Sirius.

Her freckles had become more condensed and populous as the weather got warmer and the sun more bright as the year moved along, and her very easily tanned skin was becoming darker to contribute to that.

She was like the bright southern sun to his pale pureblood star.

As if Anneliese could almost hear him waking up, her eyes fluttered open to see Sirius's ridiculously gorgeous face inches away from hers.

"Mornin'," she whispered, softly pressing her lips against his for a few moments.

It was a simple kiss, not one loaded with complicated emotions and hands and the silent urge to scream as past traumas crept up slowly on both of them from behind like an imposter when you thought you were home alone.

When it ended after several seconds, Anneliese's lips felt empty.

"Is anyone else awake?" she whispered, turning over. "Oh- good morning, Remus."

Lupin was sitting fully dressed on top of his perfectly made bed while simultaneously finishing a Potions essay and a Herbology diagram, and there was somehow already a mug of tea made steaming on his bedside table.

"Good morning," he replied, not looking up from his studies at all.

Callaway just gave him a bit of a bewildered look before shrugging to herself.

"Is he always like that?" Anneliese asked Sirius with a small laugh, turning back around to face him so that their heads were next to each other on his pillow.

"That's Moony," Black said, but his grey eyes were more focused on her dark blue ones than his tongue on the words coming from his mouth.

Sirius gently moved his fingers forward, brushing away a few strands of golden hair away from her features, and tucking them behind her ear.

Anneliese shut her eyes and took a relaxed breath in as his hand moved to the back of her neck, pulling Callaway in for another kiss as they were both more at peace than they had been in a long time.

In the bleary, grey hours of first waking up, neither of them had enough time to start worrying yet as their minds just tried to prepare for the day with the basic, more simple things.

One of those basic things being the fact that they both deeply cared for the other.

Anneliese moved her hand on top of his where it was placed on the back of her neck, pressing his skin more against hers as one of her legs slowly wrapped around his waist from underneath the sheets and quilt.

Black moved his hand underneath the back of the same black shirt from last night, his fingertips quickly finding her spine and drawing slow, precise circles on the line.

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