When he yells at you, not knowing you are pregnant : him as your husband

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Jung Hoseok (oneshot):
I sat down on the couch and waited for them until they finish. Their moves are always so good, especially Hobi's and I feel useless, because I can't keep up in this state, I'm scared about the baby. Unfortunately Hobi doesn't know it yet, I want to surprise him, but through the past few day we barely talk to each other and he is so cold. I just hope that he will be happy or at least ok with it, we are married for a year though, so It shouldn't be a problem, but he is an Idol and.....this is just really hard and I'm overthinking again, but I can't stop it. 'Hey Y/N. Wassup?' Yoongi said and sat next to me. 'Uhm...I brought you some food.' Jin immediately rushed to it, I chuckled. 'Hmmm, smell!' I laughed at his cuteness and gave everyone their food. Hobi didn't even look at me for the whole time. I sighed and put the food on his lap, but he threw it away. My jaw dropped by his actions and everyone looked at us, because they knew that this is not gonna be good. 'I'm not hungry.' He said, still looking at his phone. My blood was boiling, but I didn't want to stress myself and the baby. 'Fine. I'll put it right there.' I said and put it on the table. He didn't reply to anything I said, even If I was talking to the boys, nothing came from his mouth. I was pretty annoyed by this. 'Why are you even here Y/N?! You're so annyoing. Can't you just wait for me at home? Stop being so clingy.' He said, rolling his eyes. This was the last straw. 'Excuse me Jung Hoseok?!' I stood up from the couch, everyone's eyes were on me. I was pointing at him with one hand while the other one was busy wiping my tears away. 'I'm worried the whole day If you are okay, If you eat properly, If you don't overwork yourself and I hate myself for saying that, but through the past few weeks I'm...not just worried, but scared If you are not cheating on me or If you still love me! I'm sorry for messing up the choreography multiple times, but I'm trying hard and you know it, not to mention that I'm risking everything for you!-' 'What are you risking, huh? Tell me exactly? All you do is lying on the couch and eating the whole fucking day, so what are you risking?!' He stood up too and shouted at me. 'Nothing anymore! I'm leaving, hope you will be happy, cause I'm not coming back and this time be sure that I'm talking truth!' I said and ran to pack my things (dancing costumes etc.). 'Wait Y/N please calm down, okay? I'm sure you two can talk it out.' Jimin said while holding my shoulder, but I just chuckled bitterly and continued. 'Talk it out, yeah sure.' I chuckled again. 'Oh let her go, that's typical for her, doing nothing!' Hobi mumbled, but I heard it very well. 'Jung Hoseok shut the fuck up already! I'm so tired of your stupid talks. I'm sorry for being clingy and wasting your precious time, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant, okay?! I'm fucking pregnant and don't you dare ask me If It's yours or not! I found out 2weeks ago, but was too worried that you will be angry since we didn't talk that much and I didn't want to stress you. So yeah, I can't dance your choreographies, cause I'm risking the life of our child! I know your work  very well, I know that It's hard and stressful, but that's why I fucking care, okay?! Because I love you and I'm worried If you are happy and healthy. I'm really trying to understand you and I'm sorry that I'm not the wife that you have dreamed of Hobi, but If you don't like it than don't worry, I'll take care of me and our child on my own.' I yelled, slowly calming down, but my tears wouldn't stop from falling. 'W-What did you just say?' He asked just in case he heard it wrong. 'You heard me....I said that I'm pregnant with your child. So what now?! Should I leave? Do you want to divorc-' Before you know it our lips connected together. I felt his hand waving, signaling the boys to go out and let us be. Even though I wanted to hate him so much right now....I just couldn't which made me a bit mad. I melted into his touch. Our bodies swaying around and tongues fighting for dominance. After like 5 minutes of intense kissing we pulled away. He wiped my tears off and pulled me into a tight hug. 'I'm so sorry Y/N....I didn't mean to yell at you or ignore you. I just....have a lot of work these days and It's so frustrating, but I shouldn't have yelled at you. Please forgive me?' I nodded as he pecked my forehead. 'Are you really pregnant?' 'Yes.....you don't want the baby, do you?' I asked unsure about the whole situation. 'Of course I want the baby! Why would I not?' He pulled away and looked at me. I was just looking down fiddling with my hands. 'Because you're an idol and I also don't want you to stress even more. I mean....will you even have time for a family?' 'Baby...look at me.' He said and lifted my chin up. 'You and the baby are my world, okay? I love you so much and I promise you that I'll always find time for you and our little sunshine. Don't worry about it. Now...let me talk to my sunshine.' He said and smile. He kneeled down and rolled up my shirt. 'Hi baby, this is your daddy. I hope you're doing well.....we can't wait to meet you. Please be good to mommy, okay? I love you so much, sleep well.' He said making me chuckle. 'The baby can't hear you dummy...besides How do you know that it's sleeping?' 'Cause I know It's lazy just like you.' He laughed as I pouted. 'But that's also one of the reasons why I love you baby.'

BTS IMAGINES BY @youmeandi7💜Where stories live. Discover now