Butter company (final)

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Kim Taehyung (series: final):
'Taehyung!' Me and Jimin yelled as his lifeless body was lying on the lounger. The beeping sounds weren't stopping. 'He needs the operation immediately!' The doctor said, ready to take him away. 'I love you Tae! I forgive you, just please fight for me, for yourself and us! You can do it!' I said and let go of his hand, knowing he needs to go. Within seconds I broke down, but Jimin was quick enough to hold me in his embrace. We sat down on the couch in the waiting hall. Both of us crying and praying to god. 'W-What If he will die?! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left him.' I cried out heavily as Jimin held me tighter. 'No, It's not, Y/N! Don't blame yourself. You couldn't affect his health. Don't worry, he's strong and now that you forgave him, he is even stronger, he won't give up! Especially when it comes to you.' He assured as I tried to believe it.

Time skip:
Hours and hours flew by, but the operation still wasn't done. I started to panick. I called mine parents as well as Taehyung's. 'It's all my fault mom. I love him so much and I won't forgive myself If he will die, never ever!' I said sobbing. 'It's not your fault baby! Maybe you could've been nicer, but again you didn't know about his condition. Don't blame yourself, hum?! I'm pretty sure he will make it. He's strong for you, so now you just need to stay strong for him.' I nodded and snuggled more into her embrace. We were all praying to god. Suddenly I saw the doctor coming our way as I quickly stood up. 'Anyone from Mr.Kim?' He asked as we all nodded. He sighed. 'We did everything we could to make the operation successful and we fortunately made it. Mr. Kim is sleeping now and all we can do is to wait and hope he will wake up. He is stabilized right now and without any horrible risks that could possibly attack, so we will see.' The doctor said as we all thanked him and hugged each other. I cried from happiness as well as his parents and Jimin. 'Can we go to him?' I asked desperately and he agreed. 'But one after another.' He said as I looked at everyone. 'Go darling. I know you love my son badly and you would be the first person that he would want to see and I'm sure about that.' His mom said as I hugged her and went to find his room. I entered the room and saw his lifeless body lying on the bed. I went to him and pecked his forehead. I took his hand in my and softly rubbed it. 'I love you Taehyung-ah. Just fight a little bit longer love.' I said with a soft smile and hoped to give him some energy. 'I didn't mean what I said. I was angry at you, but the pain and hate couldn't beat up the love that I hold for you for years. You were my all Kim Taehyung. My first crush, first love, first friend and now I hope you'll be my husband and father of our babies. When you heard me, that wasn't my heart speaking, that was my mind and it was wrong. My life is sad without your presence Taehyung-ah, so please....don't leave me just yet. Let's get old together and tell our story to our grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.' I chuckled. 'Just wake up love. I'll be by your side forever and never leave. I promise. I know I wasn't the perfect best friend either. I left you and you fell into darkness as well as me, but I was too stubborn to do something or even let you explain. I'm sorry and I assure you that I'm not leaving anywhere. Because I will never be able to love someone the way that I love you.' I confessed as a tear drop landed on his hand. I was ready to wipe it off, but his hand suddenly moved and caressed my cheek as he wiped my tears off. His eyes were still closed, but I knew he was alive and cried heavier. 'T-Tae-' 'Shhh, I'm here.' He mumbled with his sore voice, calming me down as he tried to open his eyes. I kissed his hand all over again as he smiled softly. 'You love me too much, huh?' He tried to chuckle as he knew I wanted to hit him so badly for his comment. 'But you can't love me more than I do.' He said, coughing a bit as he finally opened his eyes and moved his head to look at me. 'Don't move! I'll call the docto-' 'But I want something before you do that.' He said and pouted cutely while playing with his fingers. 'And what is that?' I asked teasingly as I stood up from the chair and leaned close to his face. He looked at me with eyes full of love and admiration. Ending the teasing session, I finally smashed my lips on his. The kiss was passionate and full of love, yet so comfortable and careful. We adored moments like this since this happend.

Walking down the aisle with a beautiful white dress fitting perfectly on my body as I looked like a princess. My father was holding my hand and walking me to the altar as he pecked my forehead, knowing It's the last time I'm not a married woman. Yes, today is mine and Taehyung's wedding. After he woke up at the hospital his condition got better and better and he was soon able to go home. However we decided to take things slowly. At first we were living with each other only as rommates, cause not gonna lie, we knew we need each other desperately and also I wanted to be the one who takes care of him. I was helping him to get in form again and in that process we fell in love even harder. Suddenly we started to share kisses and soon we started dating. It's been a year now from that incident and today is finally the big, life changing moment. Wedding. I was so excited for this moment, but also nervous, cause I got a little surprise for Taehyung.
My father led me to Taehyung and smiled. 'Take good care of my daughter Taehyung-ah.' He said as Tae smiled and nodded. 'Sure Mr. Han.' He replied and the ceremony started.
After we said yes, it was finally time for a kiss. He looked at me with loving and promising eyes and I couldn't take my eyes off him either. He slowly leaned in and placed his juicy lips on mine ones. My lips delicately moved along with his, making an absolute euphoria. I knew that I will cherish this moment forever. We heard the clapping sound as everyone was cheering for us. We didn't want to pull away. We were enjoying this type of feeling, cause we already know How fast things can turn down. After a while we finally pulled away and went down the altar as the little kids were throwing rose petals everywhere.
We went to the table where our parents and friends were already seated. They wanted to eat, but I remembered the surprise and quickly stopped them, by the clinking sound against the glass (don't know How to call it😂). They all looked at me confused as I stood up fiddling with my fingers nervously. 'What happend Y/N?' My dad asked as Taehyung gave me a questioning look. I smiled at him softly and took his hand in mine as he was sitting next to me. 'I just wanted to say something.....Taehyung-ah...my love. I've never thought that I would meet someone like you in my life. People call that person a soulmate and that's exactly who you are. You are my everything. You're the only person who understands me. The only one who is ready to wake next to a girl whose nose is scrunched and hair is a catastrophe...' They laughed as Taehyung smiled. 'The only one who can stand my mood swings 24/7 and still not get angry or tired with me. You are the only one who can name all my smiles and my face expressions. The only one who can make me smile and cheer me up. You are the only one in whose arms I feel safe. Taehyung-ah....you are the only person on this planet who stole my heart and even though you broke it once.....you haven't failed to heal it as well. I can't even describe How lucky I am to have you and I thank to god for not taking you away from me. I love you so much Kim Taehyung, you are my past, my present and my future....' I said looking at him with tears of happiness in my eyes. 'And I can't wait to....' I took a deep breath, to stop myself from crying. 'To welcome this little magic thing that's growing in my belly right now.' I said as they all were shocked. 'I'm not even scared to tell you, cause I know you love me Tae and I don't have any worries with you. I've always wanted a family with you and I'm so lucky that I got the opportunity to do so. What I'm trying to say is that...I'm pregnant and we will meet him next summer.' I said as the tears that I held were already falling. Everybody looked at Taehyung as well as me. I think it took him some time to proces everything as after a while he finally smiled widely. His tears fell as well as he stood up and wiped my tears with his thumb as we chuckled in happiness. Everyone was cheering now. He kissed me passionately as his one hand was caressing my belly protectively. 'Him? I-It's a boy?!' I nodded as his eyes sparkled. 'When did you found out?' He asked. 'About 3 months ago. The doctor said that I shouldn't tell anyone till It's 3rd month. Today I went for a check up and found out it's a boy.' He shook his head. 'You're unbelievable. So that's why your mood swings and cravings hit so differently. I was wondering what's up with you.' 'See you know me too well Mr. Kim.' I said as I kissed him. 'I love you Y/N, thank you for everything love.'
'I love you too Tae, forever.'
A little bit longer, since I wanted it to end👀💜

BTS IMAGINES BY @youmeandi7💜Where stories live. Discover now