When you have to share a room with him : him as your ex-enemy

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Kim Seokjin (series: part 1):
Author's POV:
Today was a really special day for you. When your friends from high school called you, saying that there will finally be your class reunion, you couldn't be happier. You were all planning it for so long, but it never happend, cause neither of you had time and now after 10 years It's finally happening. You were so excited to meet them again and get to know what are they doing right now. They told you that you can bring your partner with you, but you being a workaholic person are always single. But anyways...you were so excited about this. They told you that It's gonna be a trip for a few days and so you will be in a hotel. As most of the people and your best friends Jennie were sharing a room with their partners, you decided to just take a room for yourself. You were just packing your stuff happily when you realized that your ex enemy Kim Seokjin is going too. Jin and you were best friends since kindergarten until the start of high school. Jin once asked you in high school who is your crush and obviously it was him, but you couldn't tell him, cause you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him, so you just told him that it was Jackson. Jackson was also your friend at that time and he knew about your crush on Jin and How you felt about it, so he told you that If he will ever ask that, you can just tell Jin that It's him and you did, but it wasn't the best idea. Jin ignored you for the rest of the day and the next day he told everyone infront of your eyes that you have a crush on Jackson. You didn't know what got into him, but you were so hurt. You trusted him with your whole life and he betrayed you like this. After that day you stopped talking to him and started to ignore him, but he decided to annoy you. Even though this all happend, you still had and maybe even have feelings for him and of course you couldn't just forget your friendship, but you were hurt and stubborn enough to talk to him. Since you didn't want to talk to him, he annoyed you everyday and you kind of enjoyed it. Not all the things of course, but some part of you was happy that you had at least some contact with him. You haven't seen Jin since the end of high school and you still miss him a lot. Maybe that's why you aren't in relationship, cause you couldn't move on. You knew that this was wrong, but you couldn't help it, you missed the old Jin so much and there were times when you cried so bad, cause he wasn't there to comfort you or at least tease you like always, he just wasn't in your life anymore and you knew that It's your fault. Of course, it was him who told the whole school about your fake crush, but it was you who didn't let him talk to you. You were nervous about meeting him again after so many years. You were scared that your feelings are still there and that you will have to deal with them infront of him. Shrugging your thoughts off, you took your suitcase and walked to your car. You put all the things inside and drove off. After like an hour, you were finally infront of the hotel. You already saw some of their cars parked there. The staff came and took your luggages. You went inside and there you saw everyone.

Y/N's POV:
'Y/N!' My best friend Jennie screamed my name and ran to hug me as I almost fell back. 'I missed you Y/Nieee!' 'I missed you too, but we literally saw each other like a two days ago!' I said and chuckled. 'Oh, Shut up!' She punched me slightly as we laughed together. Me and Jennie were always friends and so we still are hanging out together and I also see Jimin a lot, cause they are married now. Well, almost everyone expected this as they were so in love in high school. Once you ended your long hugging session, wou went to greet others. 'Ahh, Y/N...nice to see you again, this is my girlfriend Rose.' Hoseok said as he introduced me to his girlfriend which basically all of them did. 'Nice to see you guys too. I was so excited about this.' You said while clapping your hands. 'Yah! Jinaah...why so late?!' Namjoon suddenly yelled. When I heard his name I thought my heart is going to explode. 'How does he look? How am I supposed to even talk to him after so many years? Does he still hate me?....' All these thoughts and so much more were going on repeat in my head.

Jin's POV:
'Yah! Jinaah...why so late?!' I heard Namjoon scolding me as I rolled my eyes, but they immediately fixed once I saw her. Even though I saw just her back, she was so beautiful. When I saw her tiny little hands clapping together a small smile crept on my face. I haven't seen her for so long and I missed her so much. I put on my poker face and went to them. I greeted everyone until my eyes met Y/N's. I smirked as she rolled her eyes on me which made me chuckle.....yes, here we go again.

Y/N's POV:
We were talking and he was making his stupid dad jokes again. I always liked them a lot and was the weird one who used to laugh with him when we were friends. I had a hard time trying not to laugh. I was focusing on him. He was even more handsome than he was back than. His voice, his looks, his jokes, his scent, his style...everything about him made me fall for him again, I just didn't know it yet. When we were done talking, we all went to the reception for our keys. Everyone already got them and went to their rooms. It was just me and Jin behind. I got my keys and was about to leave to my room when I heard the receptionist. 'Sir...I'm sorry, but we probably misunderstood you and the reservation is for the next week. I'm so sorry.' She said and apologized. 'Are you kidding me?! Than give me another room!' He yelled which made her flinch a bit. She looked in the system to see If there was any room left. 'I'm truly sorry sir, but there isn't any room left.' 'And what am I supposed to do than?!' He yelled again and brushed his hair back in frustration. 'Fuck he looks so hot! Ahh...get yourself back together Y/N!' I mentally slapped myself. 'You can stay in my room.' I suddenly blurted out, making both of us shocked. 'What?!' 'I said that you can stay in my room If you want to...I believe It's big enough for both of us and it's just for a few days.' I said, trying to sound normally. 'Tsk...as If I wanted to share a room with you ever in my life!' He mumbled, but I heard him. My heart was aching again. 'Why is he like this to me when I'm trying to be nice?!' I thought to myself as I sighed and calmed myself down, cause I really didn't want to cry infront of him. 'Fine then...sleep outside on a bench If you want to, I don't care! I just tried to be nice!' I said and angrily turned around, ready to leave. 'WAIT!' He shouted as I stopped walking and turned my face to him. 'Fine, I'll share a room with you!' He rolled his eyes as I scoffed. 'Can I get the keys too, please?' He asked the girl as she nodded and gave them to him. Again, he just ignored me and walked past by me. I wanted to cry...I felt the same pain again, but I decided to at least act strong for my friends and also I didn't want him to think that I'm weak. Little did I know that he felt the same...........

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