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I was chatting with Katie on the phone after asking my ma's permission to hang out with Chase.

'Babe, I will be with Chase tonight in case you look for me'. I chatted.

'Ok'. She replied.

'Just "Ok"... Babe?'. I asked.

'What do you want me to say?'. She asks back (looks like she's annoyed).

'Don't you wanna tell me no?'. I replied.

'I'm not your mum to tell you no'. She replied.

'Ok... 😞'. I said.

'Just... Dont drink too much and no girls'. She replied.

'Ok babe. I love you'. I said.

'Bye!'. She replied and disconnected.

Whoa... She got cold... We never talk or chat like this before. It always ends sweetly (with I love yous on side). Maybe I just disrupt her work. Well... Gotta need to prepare. Me and Chase are having a fun night.

"Jack, can you come here for a sec". Ma called.

"What is it?". I asked.

"I will just remind you that you're not allowed to drink except for 1 bottle. Okay?". She said.

"Okay. I promise". I replied.

She keeps on reminding me about stuff because I kept on forgetting. Its part of my health issue... The doctor warn us about it.

"Is Katie coming with you guys?". She asked.

"Nope. She's doing her homework and other school stuff". I replied.

"Okay. So it's just you and Chase?". She asked.

"Chase told me his cousins are coming". I replied.

"Call me if Chase arrives". She said.

"Why?". I asked.

"I'll tell him what to do and what not to do. I don't want my baby Jack to get hurt during a party or hang out or whatever you young people call it". She explains.

"Okay". I said. Better to agree rather than argue since I will not win against her 😅.

I went back to my room to prepare...

"Maybe... I'll just wear a plain shirt". I said as I rumaged my closet for clothes.

I saw my black "UNIQLO" shirt and partner it with my ripped blacl skinny jeans. No need to be stylish. Just a simple outfit will do.

After I picked out my clothes, I went ahead and took a shower.

After 30 minutes of showering, I fixed my hair and put on my clothes. Then I went back at the sitting room where my ma and dad are watching TV.

"Ready to go bro?". Chase asked.

"Wait. Ma told me to call her once you're here". I said.

"Why? Is she gonna kill me?". He joked.

"Nah... Just few pointers". I replied then call my ma.

After ma told Chase what to be done and not to be done with me, she let us go. Dad just grunted his goodbye and ma showered my face with tiny kisses (luckily Chase knows my bond with my mum so he didn't mind seeing that).

We arrived at the pub where his cousins are having the time of their lives.

"Jack, these're my cousins. Macy, Amy, Shaun and Will". Chase introduces his cousins.

"Hi!". I shyly said.

"Guys, this is Jack". He introduce me.

"Hi Jack". They all replied.

"It's Chris". I corrected.

"Why Chris?". Someone asked. I think its Will.

"It's Jack Christopher Ross". I replied.

"Only his family or close friends and his girlfriend calls him Jack". Chase explains.

"Oh... Okay". Will replied.

"I guess it's a very special name". Macy said.

"I dunno... I guess my ma just want to have a special call for me. Though a lot of people has the same name as me". I explained.

"All mothers are like that". Amy said.

"I agree". Shaun said.

"Let's get you a drink bro". Chase said changing the topic.

"I'll have a bottle of Guiness". I said.

"Okay. You guys need anything?". He asked his cousins.

"Nah... We're good". Amy said showing their breverages.

"Ok. I'll get ours then". Chase said and went to the bar.

"Very particular with Guiness huh?". Macy asked.

"No... It's just the Irish side of the family". I replied.

"You're Irish?". Shaun asked.

"My ma's an Irish. Dad is from England". I replied.

"That speaks a lot". Amy said.

"Well... What can we say... Heritage are weird sometimes". Will joked and we all laugh.

(Time skip... We don't need a lot of details of drinking in a pub)

I enjoy our hang out even with just a bottle of Guiness (yep. They have it). Just a bit of dancing and laughing and a few swigs (I have to be careful not to finish my drink. They might try to get another one for me and it will be bad). In a matter hours, Chase's cousins calls me Jack (yup. We're close enough).

"Bro. It's 9:30 pm. We need to go". Will said.

"Okay. I'll just pay up our tab". Shaun said.

"We'll wait for you at the car". Macy said and drag Amy out.

"We'll wait for Shaun. Will, why don't you join the girls". Chase said.

"Sure bruh". Will said and left.

Chase and I sat back waiting for Shaun. We talked some stuff when suddenly I saw someone familiar...

It can't be...

I thought she'd be doing her homework...

Then I realized... I drank Will's glass of whatevers left in it. Chase noticed it too and try to take the glass from me. When he successfully took the glass, he smelled it and realize what's in it...

"No bro". He said removing the glass out of my reach.

"Let me have it". I sad a bit drunk (yes... I got drunk with just a glass of alcohol).

"You're not allowed to drink whiskey". He said. Uh... So that was whiskey... God... No wonder...

"Just give it back to me". I begged tears falling from my eyes.

"No bro. Mrs. Ross will kill me". He said as he and Shaun took the glass and drag me out of the pub successfully.

It felt like my whole world crashed on me... It's printed and burned in my memory...

Katie... My lovely Katie...

French kissing someone from our school...

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