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Confronting Chase

As days passed, I still didn't find the courage to confront Chase and just simply tell him that he's a son of a b*tch! How dare he!? I just fall sick and this is what I get. He betrayed my trust and he's gonna get my full wrath!!! F*CK HIM!!!

"Hey buddy!". Dad greeted.

"Dad...". I replied.

"Why the long face?". He asked.

"It's nothing dad". I replied.

"Your ma may not notice it. But I can see it. You're showing some kind of dark aura". He said.

"It's nothing. Really dad". I quickly deny.

"Okay... You can tell it to me yah know. I'm just inside my office. If you're ready to talk, you know where to find me". He said.

He left me in the sitting room amd went to his office. I'm glad that he's the one who noticed it. If ma saw my mood, she'll worry more about me and that's the last thing I want.

I weigh things in my head. I want to talk to dad maybe get some advice. I see myself walking to his office, knock on the door and enter.

"What do you need Jackieboy?". He asked.

"Jackieboy? You never call me that since I was... What? 10 or 11". I replied.

"I think it's much better for now". He explained.

"Uhm... Okay". I said.

"So... What's up?". He asked.

"You're right". I replied.

"About what?". He asked.

"I have a problem". I revealed.

"So... You're ready to share it?". He asked.

"Yeah... And I need some advice". I said.

"Okay. Let's hear it. I'll lock the door so that your ma can't bother us. I know that you don't want her to know about this". He said and stood up to lock the door.

I began telling him my problem. That Chase and Katie are cheating on me. That I want to talk to Chase to let him explain why. Dad just sits there listening to me until I finish unloading everything.

"Have you told them that you saw them?". He asked.

"No. Up until now". I replied.

"Well... It's good that you're thinking of talking to your friend. Get his side of this, then talk to Katie to know her side. Then from that, you can be able to plan on what course of action you'll be doing. Apart from that, fighting will never do you good. You may punch Chase once, but you'll only end up getting hurt not just Chase but also yourself". He said.

"I don't think that will work". I said.

"Don't think that way. There's always positive side in these things". He said.

"So you're saying, I just need to talk to them to clear things out?". I asked.

"Yes. Sometimes talking is nice. As long as it's not to hurt others". He replied.

"Thanks dad. I really get it now". I said.

"Good. One more piece of advice. If Chase tells you something or out of line. Just punch him but don't let him get you. We don't need a black eye that your ma will freak out too". He said.

"Will do dad". I replied.

As I left my dad's office, I felt more lighter. I guess, telling him my problem really helps.

'Bro, let's talk'. Me.

'Sure bro'. Chase.

'Come to the park nearby the church'. Me

'Okay'. Chase.

It's now time for action.

I went to the park to see Chase sitting on one of the benches, smoking. I didn't know he smokes. I got to the bench. He offered me his cigarttes forgetting the fact that I'm not allowed to smoke. I simply decline his offer. I sat on the bench a meter apart from himb(Covid protocol).

"What do you want to talk about?". He asked.

"How long?". I asks back.

"What?". He replied.

"How long have you and Katie been cheating on me?". I asked.

He looked at me as if tentacles just sprouts on my face.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about bro". He denies.

"Don't deny bro. I saw you guys the other day". I said.

"B-bro...". He stutters. He's speechless and can't find any words to say.

"Dude... You betrayed me. You and my slut girlfriend had been cheating on me". I said.

"Bro... Katie and I began dating just few weeks ago". He said.

"What?! You know we're still together right?". I asked.

"Yes". He replied.

"Then why?". I asked.

"We're both bored. That's why". He replied.

"Bored?". I asked.

"She's bored with you and I'm feeling so bored with myself. I find wrecking someone else's relationship is callenging". He explained.

I don't need more... He's an arsehole... I won't control my temper anymore. I punched him in the face and left him sprawling on the ground. That was some hard punch coz my knuckles bleed. But it felt good like real good.

"FUCK YOU CHASE!!!!". I yelled.

This is the end of my friendship with him and don't worry Katie... You're next.

Stay Safe and Stay Happy 😄

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