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1st Heartbreak

Chase brought me home a bit drunk and not talking to anyone... Just tears falling from my eyes...

"What happened last night?". Ma asked me while eating breakfast.

I didn't talk... I just shook my head and put on a sad smile. Ma knows... I'm not fine... But... I don't want to add up to her worries. Whatever I saw in the pub... I just want it out of my mind...

'Babe, can we hang out?'- Katie.

I received that chat few ours after I woke up with a bit of headache and some chest pains (it really hurts like f*ck). Main reason why the doctor never allow any alcohol in my system.

I want to say yes to her invite... But for some reason... I want to say no... I also want to talk to her, ask for her reason why? Am I not enough?... As I've already said... She's a bit of a slut... But... I love her and I will still give our relationship a shot. This is only the first... Maybe she will not do it again... My mind is telling me 'NO', but my heart's telling me 'YES'. Should I go for it? Maybe I need something to drink. Maybe a liquor or anything to make me forget these events... But I guess... I can't get what I want. My ma made sure that I won't get anything bad for my health 🙁.

"Talk to me baby". Ma said.


"You can't solve anything by keeping it yourself". She adds.

No... I'm not gonna talk... (I felt really bad doing that to her 🙁). Then i went back to my room.

"Honey, can you try talkin' to him". I heard she called dad. (She gave up trying to make me talk).

Great... Now dad's involve. Looks like I have no escape (Dad's much more different in this than ma... And I'm a bit scared of him... He'll sure drag it out of me).

"Jack... Can I talk to you buddy?". He called.

I scooted from my bed, giving him space to sit in... This is it... I guess there's no turning back.

"Buddy, look. Your ma's worried about you. And it's not helping if you keep yourself holed up". He began.

I didn't talk... I just hugged my knees and cried. I know... I shouldn't be like this... She's a slut and I'm stupid for loving her... Now ma's worried about me... What am I suppose to do??? F*ck!!! I'm confused... But still...

I look back to my dad. He just sits there, waiting for me to talk. I guess... This is it. I just need to muster every strength I have and talk.

"I know you're gonna ask me again about last night". I began.

Dad just look intently in my eyes. Waiting for the next words that will come out of my mouth.

"I told ma, Katie's not joining us last night". I said.

"Did you saw her?". He asked.

"Yes". I answered.

"And...". He said.

"Chase and I were leaving the pub with his cousins and I saw her...". I said and tears began spilling again.

Dad hugged me sideways. Consoling me and like urging me to tell him more about it. I guess I needed this more than relieving everything that happened last night (it really hurts my heart).

"I saw her kissing another guy". I finally said.

I continue crying until I fell asleep. I forgot to tell dad not to tell it to ma. I don't need another thing to worry about. But I know my dad. He won't tell her until I'm the one to tell her. He'll just say 'It's not my story to tell'.

I woke up after few hours of sleep and found a note on my bedside table.

I know it's hard. Whatever you're feeling right now, it's hurting you. But let me just advice you to follow your heart. If it's telling you that what you think is right, then just go for it. Talk to Katie. Fix it up. She may did something wrong, you need a clear explanation. I won't tell your ma about it. She'll just freak out. But at least explain why you got drunk last night. She's worried about you. You can just lie to her if you don't want to let her know of the situation. Love you buddy.


Take your chest ache medication. Your ma knew you had chest pains. - Dad.

I took my medicine and somehow I felt the pain lessen (physical but emotional... No).

I thought about what my dad said. Basically, I need to talk to her... But I don't know why it's hard for me.

After so long of thinking and contemplating... I finally get to a decision that I think is good for my relationship with Katie.

'Ok... Lets hang out tonight'. I finally replied.

I hope I made the right decision...


I really cried again relieving this... I just needed to let it out... I thank my parents for understanding what I went through this situation. Anyways let it be clear my story happened before the pandemic start (beginning the year 2020). Ok... I need to end this long A/N 😄. As always, Stay safe and Stay happy.

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