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Getting well

I'm still stuck in my room and it's so boring... Well, I still attend my online classes and still can play in daytime. But boredom still gets me.

Katie visits me for quite a while, but after that (a week I guess), she stops coming to see me. I wonder why. Maybe she's busy or something... I don't know. I don't keep tabs on her life. It's her privacy and I don't want to get mix up with it. It's our agreement in this relationship. Even Chase didn't chat me while I'm stuck on bed (I'm a bit well now but I still can'tt walk). I told him that I'm not well and he said that we'll keep in touch even though I'm stuck indoors. But we didn't. Maybe they're both just busy that's all.

"Jack, take your medicine". Ma reminded.

"Okay". I replied as I slow paced in my room and grab my meds and took it (yes. I can walk now, but it's a little bit slower).

"Hey buddy". Dad greeted.

"Hey dad". I replied.

"How are you feeling?". He asked.

"I'm good. Legs still hurting". I replied.

Even though we both live in same home, dad still asks me how am I feeling? Or what am I doing? Maybe he still thinks that I'm having problems... Like before. But I'm really fine even now my legs are not functioning well.

As time goes by, my legs begin to heal. Which is good. I really need to get some fresh air (if ever there is any) and have my motorbike checked out (I haven't use it for a while and yes. I already have my license).

"Ma, can I go out?". I asked.

"Where are you going?". She asked.

"I'm taking my motorbike to the mechanic. It needs a little bit of checking". I replied.

"You just recovered". She said.

"I know... But I need to maintain my thing". I explained.

"Don't worry buddy. I'll call a mechanic to check it out for you". Dad suggested.

"You will?". I asked.

"Yes my boy. You still need more rest to fully recover". He replied.

"So just sit in the sitting room and watch T.V.". Ma said.

That afternoon the mechanic arrived and check my bike. After few minutes or hours (I can't remember how long), he told us that my bike is still in good condition. It just needs oil change. Which he already did. So dad paid him (I save more for that 😁).

Few weeks passed and I fully recovered. I get to run around my house and jog outside. Once I felt my toes and the feeling of a cramped up legs are gone, I went out for a jog to feel the breeze.

As I jog around, I saw some of the neighbors and greeted them. It's really hard to jog with face mask but it's fine. It's for my safety and the safety of others as well.

I passed by Chase's house and saw Chase... He's with Katie... What are they doing? Are they making out? They're to busy to notice me... I stop my jogging and just ran away from the scene and went home.

I felt my heart breaking again... But no tears falling. I felt betrayed and that maddens me. The feeling that your best friend, whom I treated like a brother, betrayed you is much stronger than the feeling of my heart breaking apart.

When I got home... My tear began to fall 😞.

This part of my life is so sad... Glad to really release it from my chest and my journal as well. Anyways I'm gonna cut this here. Sorry for a short chapter. As always Stay Safe and Stay Happy 😄.

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